Leicester Mercury

Grieving family’s fresh heartbreak as vandals target headstone again

- By NICK DAWSON nicholas.dawson@reachplc.com

A BEREAVED family has been left heartbroke­n again after their loved ones’ joint grave was targeted by vandals for a second time in four months.

The headstone of Roy and Mary Richardson, at the Barton Road cemetery in Barlestone, was defaced at some time on Sunday, December 27, with the picture of Roy smashed in.

The memorial was previously targeted at the end of August, when Roy’s picture was also broken up and black paint was smeared across his name and the dates of his life.

Jackie Collins, daughter-in-law to Roy and Mary, said she believes the second attack was carried out by the same people.

“It’s just shocking that somebody would do this,” she said.

“We can only assume that each time we get it repaired it will happen again.

“Roy’s family are completely devastated that this has happened again.

“Mary and Roy did a lot of voluntary work for the church so to have this happen to such a kind, caring, Christian couple is heartbreak­ing.”

The memorial features an openbook-style carving, with a picture and text tribute for the husband and wife, on the left and right pages respective­ly.

The family have now decided to remove the headstone and put in a cross each for Roy and Mary, and they are considerin­g installing cameras to monitor the area.

A spokeswoma­n for Leicesters­hire Police said: “We received a report of damage caused to a gravestone in Barlestone Cemetery, Leicesters­hire.

“The damage is believed to have been caused some time during the day on Sunday, December 27.

“Officers have spoken with the person who made the report.”

The headstone had only been in place for a week-and-a-half when the first attack took place. Roy and Mary’s grand-daughter Kirsty Wells said after the first incident: “I’m absolutely devastated. It doesn’t happen often in a community. I just didn’t think it would happen to us.

It’s just disgracefu­l, because my nana did a lot for the community. She was part of the parish council and she worked at the school as a teaching assistant.

“When I was younger and we went to the park together, she was always stopped by people.

“Everyone knew who she was. She was a social butterfly, my grandad adored her.”

If you have any informatio­n to help the police, call 101.

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 ??  ?? PICTURE OF GRANDAD IS SMASHED IN ‘DISGRACEFU­L’: The headstone for Roy and Mary Richardson in Barlestone has been vandalised for the second time in four months
PICTURE OF GRANDAD IS SMASHED IN ‘DISGRACEFU­L’: The headstone for Roy and Mary Richardson in Barlestone has been vandalised for the second time in four months

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