Leicester Mercury

Boris Johnson proven to be liability as leader


I WAS glad to see that Ray Newcombe is back although, as usual, I disagree with most of his views.

His letter of January 5 (“Great again, PM should now get rid of peers”) cheerleadi­ng for our Prime Minister deserves a response.

Ray refers to our trusted PM. Trusted? This is the man who has been sacked twice for lying, first by an editor and later from the shadow cabinet, by the then Tory leader, Michael Howard.

Johnson would not recognise truth if it jumped up and smacked him in the face. Everything this incompeten­t, narcissist­ic man does is what he considers is best for himself.

Ray goes on to say that Johnson’s next hurdle is to fight coronaviru­s with the same positive attitude he used to get us out of the EU (that’s another story).

In the 10 months or so of the pandemic, the PM has shown incompeten­ce beyond the bounds of credibilit­y.

Continuall­y over-promising and under-delivering, he has been very late with all three lockdowns, costing many lives, ignoring the advice of the scientists and the medical profession, in spite of continuall­y protesting that he is following the science, and ignoring the early warnings we received from Asia, Italy and Spain.

We now have one of the highest death rates in the world and one of the worst performing economies in Europe.

His mistakes have been endless – the failure to provide proper PPE to protect NHS and care workers; his failure to sack Dominic Cummings (whose Barnard Castle eye test excuse caused public trust in the government to disintegra­te – one rule for us and another rule for the rest of you); the schools exam fiasco, where he was assisted by the hapless, incompeten­t Gavin Williamson; the current return to school debacle and many, many more.

Johnson insists eveything is controlled by central government, ignoring Parliament and local and regional authoritie­s which have expertise and experience on the ground.

I hardly dare mention the Test and Trace problems and its cost.

Government communicat­ions throughout the pandemic have been a disaster, leaving the public utterly confused – think of the five-day Christmas free for all, eventually cancelled but long after everyone had made their plans based on the PM’s promises.

On Ray’s House of Lords point, I tend to agree, in the main.

But who appointed vast numbers of additional members, mainly cronies and Tory Party donors, in the short time he has been PM?

Yes, you have guessed it, Johnson. It is easy to predict government policy – listen to what the PM says in the morning and the opposite is likely to become true in the afternoon.

This man is a liability as a leader, his indecision has cost many lives.

Hopefully, his hubris will cost him his job.

Julian Branston, Thurcaston

 ?? Leicester ?? Thanking the person who decided the tree in my front garden needed some foetid decoration. Happy New Year.
Phil Rowe,
Leicester Thanking the person who decided the tree in my front garden needed some foetid decoration. Happy New Year. Phil Rowe,

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