Leicester Mercury

Bicycle riders should also have to be insured


I’D like to clear up an accusation made by Dave Dixey (“Cyclists contribute with general taxation,” Mailbox, March 30), I didn’t say I was against cyclists, only idiots on bikes.

I was interested to hear cyclists were covered by general taxation, so why as a car driver do I have to pay extra to go on the road and also pay insurance? Do cyclists have to carry compulsory bike insurance?

Whenever there is an accident between bike and car no doubt the car driver has to go through their own insurance, regardless who’s to blame for the collision.

So maybe bike riders should be made to carry compulsory insurance. After all, bike lanes run parallel to footpaths and maybe where there aren’t any bike lanes cyclists should be on the road, not on pavements weaving in and out around pedestrian­s.

I go on daily walks and I do not see the hordes of bikes Dave Dixey is on about, only the ones I now and again have to stand aside for to social distance on the pavement.

Perhaps Dave would like to tell me where he and all the other cyclists are and I can walk that way to see the bike lanes being used.

Jackie Caunt, Leicester

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