Leicester Mercury

Mum criticises plans for class weigh-ins amid obesity fears


- By FINVOLA DUNPHY finvola.dunphy@reachplc.com @finvoladun­phy

A MUM has hit out at plans for primary school pupils to be regularly weighed in school starting in September.

Children will be asked to step on the scales as part of the government’s National Child Measuremen­t Programme (NCMP), amid fears of an obesity crisis due to homeschool­ing and lack of regular PE classes because of the pandemic.

The recording of youngsters’ weight, designed to alert parents to children who could be at risk of obesity, was halted last year due to Covid, meaning the extent of any potential weight gain crisis among children is as yet unknown.

But mum Sue Dorman, who lives in Coalville, is against the policy.

She said: “I’m 58 and still remember the weigh-in at school, and it affected my weight all my life.”

Sue said she was traumatise­d by the experience, and that her daughter also suffered as a result of school weigh-ins.

“Being lined up to be weighed and told you were being put on a diet and that your mum would be informed in front of everyone was humiliatin­g,” she said.

“I became the butt of everyone’s jokes.

“It affects my weight to this day, as food became my enemy. When diets didn’t work, I just decided I needed to be happy in myself and not be dictated to.”

Russell Viner, a former president of the Royal College of Paediatric­s and Child Health, has said the weighing of children was “hugely important post-pandemic”.

He said: “There are a number of reasons to be concerned that the pandemic has increased obesity across the population – including in children.

“But we have no data on what the pandemic has done to obesity in children, and the NCMP is essential for this.”

Before the coronaviru­s pandemic, the UK’s child obesity rates were already soaring, with more than one in three youngsters leaving primary school overweight, and one in five obese, according to NHS figures.

Figures for 2019/20 showed that children in Loughborou­gh Lemyngton ward, in Charnwood, were among the most likely in Leicesters­hire to be obese or overweight.

Figures from the annual NCMP showed that nearly one in three (28 per cent) of Year 6 children, those aged 10 and 11, in the ward were considered obese.

The figures for Leicester alone in 2019/20 revealed that more than one in three (38.5 per cent) of Year 6 children across the city were overweight or obese.

The national average is lower than the city but higher than the county, at just over one in three (35.2 per cent).

Sue said that while the level of obesity in children could well be getting more severe, educating parents should be the priority, not weighing pupils at school.

“It should be banned across the board, as my daughter had the same thing in high school and it affected her in the same way,” she said.

“If I had known it was happening at the time, I would not have allowed it.

“There was no discreet weighing. Children were lined up and weighed in front of each other.

“If you weigh more than others, it often leads to being bullied or tormented. How does this help?

“It’s just not something that I feel is appropriat­e.

“I think we should teach good eating to parents and children in a cost-effective way. That’s the best way forward.”

Caroline Cerny, of Obesity Health Alliance, an organisati­on seeking to change government policy on obesity, said the number of children who were classed as obese or overweight was “extremely worrying”.

“Excess weight in childhood can lead to a number of health problems, and often negatively affects children’s self-esteem,” she said.

“Children with a weight classified as obese are much more likely to still be living with obesity as adults, which can increase their risk of diseases like type two diabetes, heart disease and cancer.”

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