Leicester Mercury

Disappoint­ment as £330m incinerato­r is given the green light


- By DAN MARTIN daniel.martin@reachplc.com @danjamesma­rtin

PLANS for a £330 million rubbish incinerato­r have been approved – despite opposition from environmen­tal campaigner­s.

The complex will replace the coalfuelle­d power station at Ratcliffe-on Soar, which dominates the skyline near the M1 and East Midlands Airport. The power station has been earmarked for decommissi­oning.

Members of Nottingham­shire County Council’s planning committee voted, by nine to three, to back the plan drawn up by energy firm Uniper.

Uniper’s planning applicatio­n noted some of the key negative impacts identified during planning assessment, all of which were discussed during the meeting.

These concerns included visual impacts, the impact on heritage structures and the demolition of two cooling towers.

Also raised was that the constructi­on and operation of the Emerge facility (East Midlands Energy ReGenerati­on Centre) would “result in some residual minor environmen­tal issues on air quality, noise, dust and ecology”.

However, Uniper said the magnitude of the effect would be “within the parameters of establishe­d environmen­tal control limits”.

Andy Read, the redevelopm­ent manager for Uniper, told the committee: “Our vision for Radcliffe is for developmen­t that creates high-value jobs based on modern industry and manufactur­ing served by an on-site energy hub

“This hub would enable electricit­y and heat to be shared between the businesses and we see it as a key enabler for new businesses coming to the site.

“It gives an immediate climate improvemen­t by displacing landfill and it does have pathways to netzero and indeed net-negative, which is set out in our applicatio­n, given the right future policy from government.”

The plans were condemned by members of climate action group Extinction Rebellion, as well as a number of councillor­s, during the meeting on Tuesday.

Extinction Rebellion’s Dr Monica Pallis said the council’s strategies had not caught up with rapidly changing methods which aim to reduce carbon emissions. “Your administra­tion badly needs a sustainabl­e waste strategy fit for a climate emergency,” she said.

Councillor Jen Walker, the leader of Rushcliffe Borough Council’s Labour group, suggested the proposed creation of 45 jobs was “pitiful” and asked where the waste would come from and where the residual ash would be buried after it was burned.

Councillor Daniel Williamson, for Ashfield Independen­ts, said: “I am deeply disappoint­ed by the planning committee’s decision after a robust debate.

“The climate emergency is happening now, it’s no longer a problem for our children and is very much today’s issue.

“Dressing up an incinerato­r as an environmen­tally desirable option is not only wrong but deeply disturbing in context.”

According to the committee the plant will produce and emit carbon dioxide at a net carbon gain of more than 100 tonnes every year.

Uniper said incinerati­on is the better option due to waste creating methane when placed in a landfill, while the energy created from the plant will help support the businesses which could be built on-site.

Ratcliffe-on-Soar could also be put up as a potential location for a nuclear fusion plant.

The plans must now go to the Secretary of State for approval.

 ??  ?? PLAN: How the incinerato­r will look
PLAN: How the incinerato­r will look
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