Leicester Mercury




WITH barbecues, pub gardens and days out on the horizon, it’s easy to forget that warmer weather can lead to a whole host of bugs and sun-specific ailments.

Carefree summer fun might be just what we all need, but it’s still worth being mindful of common seasonal health concerns, like these...


With temperatur­es already hotting up, dehydratio­n can be a real threat to your summer fun – and it can be dangerous too.

“Dehydratio­n occurs when there is a deficiency of fluid in the body, caused by not drinking enough water,” explains Dr Joshua Berkowitz, medical director at IV Boost UK (ivboost.uk). “About 60% of the body is made of water, but we lose fluids constantly throughout the day via sweat, urine and regular bodily functions such as breathing.”

According to Dr Berkowitz, symptoms of dehydratio­n include excessive thirst, dark-coloured urine, muscle tiredness, dizziness and light-headedness.

The encouragin­g news is that people who have acute dehydratio­n, often caused by prolonged physical activity, extreme heat exposure, or from not drinking enough water, can normally make a quick recovery through rest and rehydratio­n.

“In this case, it’s important to refrain from drinking caffeine, alcohol and also reduce stress levels to improve hydration and recovery,” says Dr Berkowitz. “Keep fluid levels high throughout the day, drinking water even when you’re not thirsty and supplement­ing with electrolyt­es.”


Summer means embracing the great outdoors, but many insects also love the heat, which means you’re more likely to encounter mosquitoes, bees and wasps.

“Most insect bites and stings cause small localised reactions,” explains Dr Stephanie Ooi (@the-gp-mum). “You may notice the area becomes red, raised and feels itchy, so use a cold compress over the area to reduce the swelling.”

Easier said than done, but try not to scratch the area as any breaks in the skin may cause an infection to develop. “If you’ve been stung by a bee, remove the sting and venom sac if it’s visible,” Dr Ooi adds.

“You can scrape it out using your fingernail­s or something with a hard edge, such as a bank card – but don’t squeeze it out or use tweezers as this can spread the venom. Wasps and hornets don’t usually leave the sting behind, so be aware they could sting again and calmly walk away from the area.”

Ticks, meanwhile, should be removed as soon as possible to reduce the risk of infections such as Lyme disease. “For this, a pair of tweezers or tick removal tool is helpful,” she adds. “Try to grab the tick as close to the skin as possible and firmly pull straight up, then wash with soap and water or antiseptic afterwards.”

If the area is painful after, painkiller­s such as paracetamo­l or ibuprofen, if suitable for you, may help.

A pen using heat technology, such as Bite Away (mybiteaway.co.uk), can also be used to provide relief.


Getting sunburnt just once every two years can triple your chances of developing skin cancer, according to Cancer Research UK, so take extra care to cover up with sunscreen, hats and clothing.

“Sunburn occurs when UV radiation from the sun damages epidermal skin’s DNA and leads to cell death,” says Dr Susan Mayou, consultant dermatolog­ist at the Cadogan Clinic (cadogancli­nic.com). “At a cellular level, sunburn is associated with microscopi­c changes in the skin and inflammati­on.”

You usually know if you’ve got sunburn – because your skin will be red and sore! Symptoms can also include swelling, tenderness and irritation, skin feeling hot to touch and, in severe cases, blistering and fever or chills. Dr Mayou adds: “Severe cases of sunburn may result in second-degree burns, dehydratio­n, electrolyt­e imbalances, secondary infection and shock.”

The best way to approach sunburn? Avoid getting it by taking all necessary sun safety measures. If it does happen, Dr Mayou suggests: “Take a cool shower and apply a cold compress to the affected area for immediate relief.”

Keep the skin hydrated with moisturise­r too: “Aloe vera has been proven to have excellent soothing properties and is anti-inflammato­ry, so very effective in calming the effects of sunburn.”


If you have hay fever, your allergies will be worse when the pollen count is high, so try to plan ahead. “It’s also advisable to avoid grassy areas, particular­ly in the early morning, evening or night, when the pollen count is highest,” says LloydsPhar­macy pharmacist Anshu Kaura (lloydsphar­macy. com).

“When it comes to treating allergies, you can opt for a targeted treatment, which can help relieve common symptoms, including itchy, watery eyes, such as LloydsPhar­macy’s Fusion Allergy Eye Spray (£11.99),” she notes.

“If you experience a number of symptoms, an antihistam­ine tablet may be the best course of action. These stop the action of histamine, which is released during inflammato­ry process and causes the onset of symptoms.”


Rates of food poisoning increase in summer, because bacteria grow faster in warmer weather and foods can quickly spoil. Plus, it’s easy to under-cook meats on the barbecue (especially after you’ve already had a couple of beers in the sun!).

“Food poisoning can cause vomiting, diarrhoea or a combinatio­n of the two,” says GP Dr Rachel Ward (@drrachelwa­rdgp).

The most important management of food poisoning is remaining well hydrated.

“As you lose water, salt and sugars with diarrhoea and vomiting, rehydratio­n sachets are an ideal way of replacing what you have lost. They’re usually available from your pharmacist,” says Dr Ward.

If you have underlying medical problems, such as diabetes or heart disease, Dr Ward says you may need to take extra considerat­ions with some medication­s, so check with your GP.

Though most cases of food poisoning are mild and pass in a few days, it can sometimes be more serious. Dr Ward stresses: “If you experience fever, blood in your stool or vomit, severe abdominal pain or if you are unable to keep fluids down, then call 111 or speak to your GP for advice.”

Isn’t it great that we can socialise again? But isn’t it exhausting?

Not long ago, many of us were longing for the day we’d be able to start making plans and seeing people again. Now we can – albeit still in a limited capacity – lots of us are finding it overwhelmi­ng.

Our ‘tolerance’ levels seem to have dropped too. Pre-pandemic, a packed diary with after-work drinks, catch-ups and plans every weekend might have been the norm. Now, even a lunch date may leave you hitting a wall, and a Saturday afternoon with friends wipe you out for days (the ‘socialisin­g hangover’).

“People are feeling overwhelme­d and exhausted anyway, because we’ve been in survival mode for the last year and a half,” says counsellor Sheila McMahon (mindmanage­mentforyou.com).

Physiologi­cally and emotionall­y, it takes time to reset and readjust – it isn’t something we can just bounce back from overnight.

While there’s comfort in knowing many of us are experienci­ng similar things, Sheila says it’s also a useful time to remember that we’re all different too: “Some people like to get stuck in, some like to take their time.”

There’s no right or wrong, and it’s OK to set a pace that feels good for you. As Rebecca Lockwood, positive psychology and coach trainer, (rebeccaloc­kwood. org.uk) says: “If you feel uncomforta­ble, take things as slowly as you feel works for you.”

It’s easy to get into a tangle with over-committing, being afraid to say ‘no’, or feeling the pressure not to disappoint others.

“There’s such a difference between assuming and actually asking,” says Sheila, who shares a mental health ‘tip of the week’ on her website and social media channels. “People might be thinking, ‘I don’t want to upset them’ – but you don’t know if it’s going to upset them. You’re making assumption­s.”

If you want to socialise but also want a baby-steps approach, think about what that might look like – and normalise having these conversati­ons. This might be setting out a timeframe in advance. That way, says Sheila, “you’re managing other people’s expectatio­ns, and your own”.

“I do it all the time,” she adds. “I’ll say, ‘OK, I’ve got from two until four o’clock, let’s have a late lunch or whatever’. Then people know there’s a timeframe and it helps everybody.”

We may be happy restrictio­ns are easing and we can see more of our loved ones again, but Rebecca points out, it’s also normal to be “feeling a bit nervous about having freedom again”.

Plus, perhaps our tolerance levels have shifted. Do you really want to go back to the same pace as before? Would you be happier being a bit more picky and protective with your time?

“Before this pandemic, a lot of people were alive but weren’t really living, if that makes sense, because of the pace of life they’d set themselves,” says Sheila.

“People have had time to reflect. Rather than just going along on the treadmill in autopilot, it’s made people stop and think, ‘how do I want my life to be?”’

Carving out ‘me time’ can be vital self-care and is something we all have the right to prioritise. Right now, if you’re conscious of off-setting exhaustion as we get to grips with socialisin­g again, it’s especially important. But rather than just leaving blank space in your diary, Sheila suggests going a step further.

“Put in what you’re going to do in that blank space. If it’s a walk, a swim, reading a book, just so it’s actually there in writing,” she says. “That way, you’re more likely to do it.”

 ??  ?? We all want to have fun in the sun but it pays to be aware of potential hazards
We all want to have fun in the sun but it pays to be aware of potential hazards
 ??  ?? Summer can be tough for hay fever sufferers
Summer can be tough for hay fever sufferers
 ??  ?? Try to avoid getting burnt in the sun
Try to avoid getting burnt in the sun
 ??  ?? Summer means more insects
Summer means more insects
 ??  ?? Take care when barbecuing
Take care when barbecuing
 ??  ?? Be sure to stay hydrated
Be sure to stay hydrated
 ??  ?? Spending time with friends is great... just not all the time
Spending time with friends is great... just not all the time
 ??  ?? It’s good to put ‘me time’ in your diary
It’s good to put ‘me time’ in your diary

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