Leicester Mercury

Research in health ‘must improve’ its inclusion of minorities



WORK is needed to improve ethnic minority participat­ion in vital health research, academics say.

Dr Andrew Willis, based at the Centre for Ethnic Health Research and the University of Leicester, said: “The pandemic has brought into focus issues of health inequality and the disproport­ionate disease burden experience­d by ethnic minority communitie­s, compared to the population as a whole.

“High-quality research is essential in providing evidence-based healthcare that works.

“However, we know that due to genetic, social and cultural difference­s some people may respond differentl­y to various health interventi­ons and treatment.

“It’s because of this that it’s vital we find a way to include the entire culturally diverse community so we can cater for everyone.”

The centre is working with NIHR Applied Research Collaborat­ion East Midlands and University College London Institute of Education, looking at how different groups of people are included in clinical research.

They found one key issue was language barriers.

Some ethnic minorities might have low first language literacy, low health literacy or may find speaking, understand­ing, reading or writing in English challengin­g when it is not their dominant language.

Associate professor Talia Isaacs, from UCL, said: “Translatin­g a document into a person’s heritage language may not be enough to solve the issues we’re facing.

“In some cases, there may be a need for greater resource availabili­ty, including access to bilingual healthcare workers or profession­al interprete­rs and cultural tailoring of informatio­n.

“A more sustained approach might be necessary to build understand­ing and enhance trust.

“We need to ensure matters of inclusion are considered at all stages of the research process and robust translatio­n methods should be employed, but considerat­ion of language-specific informatio­n must always be taken into account.”

Professor Kamlesh Khunti, director of the Centre for Ethnic Health Research, said: “Improving access and promoting diversity in research must be a priority for government­s, researcher­s and healthcare workers.

“We must come together to reduce health and socioecono­mic disparitie­s, ensuring we’re inclusive of all.

“But, whatever strategies we use, inclusion cannot be overburden­some and limit the feasibilit­y of carrying out research.

“We need pragmatic approaches to ensure trial research accommodat­es everyone, so we can develop interventi­ons, treatments and pioneering approaches for all.”

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