Leicester Mercury



AFTER the hearing, Det Con Daljinder Gill said: “This was a full team investigat­ion involving a number of partner agencies working together following an allegation.

“The investigat­ion had to be handled carefully and sensitivel­y in order to ensure the victims of this offence were safeguarde­d and that the full scale of the crime which the defendant had committed could be proved.

“Thanks to the dedicated work of all of the team involved, Sztoska has had to admit his actions in court and his exploitati­on of vulnerable victims.

“I would like to recognise the bravery and co-operation of the victims in this case, who have helped us massively to ensure this successful prosecutio­n, as well as those who provided informatio­n in relation to the offending which led to the initial investigat­ion.

“Modern slavery unfortunat­ely remains very much ongoing across the UK today. We urge people to be aware, to spot the signs and to report any suspicions that they have to us.

“Signs include long labour hours, chaperonin­g, lack of personal possession­s, malnutriti­on, and abuse.

“Anyone who is a victim of modern slavery should also report to us.

“Full support and safeguardi­ng will be provided to you and we will take action to bring offenders to justice.”

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