Leicester Mercury

You still have a tracheosto­my tube that’s helping you breathe

- EXCERPTS from Phil’s patient diary:

FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 2021 (One day after his wife was called in to say goodbye)

You have had a rocky night and your oxygen levels have been very low despite all of this support.

You are on medication to help your blood pressure as this is also low and we have given you lots of antibiotic­s to try and fight the virus.

I have spoken to Jodie so she knows you have been keeping me on my toes and she told me she was nagging you to keep fighting and keep being as strong as you are when she came to visit yesterday.

Jodie sends her love and I have passed on her message to you to keep fighting for her and your lovely children.

Keep being strong Philip.


It’s been a busy day, you are really unwell. This morning when I started, your blood pressure was very low and your oxygen levels were also very low – this is despite all the treatments we have been giving you.

At one point your heart started beating very fast and irregular, you had some medication and were cardiovert­ed to get it back into a normal rhythm again.

You are on a “kidney machine” which is cleaning your blood.


You have been sedated and had pain relief to help with all the lines and tubes you have in-situ to maintain your comfort.

We have started to feed you through a tube into your stomach and you are only on a small amount but you appear to be absorbing it.


You are a lot more awake tonight, have been responding a little more which is nice to see.

You are still not doing things when I ask, such as squeeze my hand, you are on a lot less sedation now so hopefully, you will start to get more with it. Keep fighting.


You are still very poorly.

You still have a tracheosto­my tube that is helping you to breathe and you require support from the ventilator.

You were assisted by doctors, nurses, ECMO specialist­s and a physiother­apist to sit on the end of the bed. You actually put your feet on the floor. It was great to see you sitting up.


We started to wean you off ventilator support. We have a good weaning plan in place and if you continue doing well we hope that at some point we will be able to put a speaking valve on that allows you to talk.


You continue to have oxygen via a tracheosto­my mask. Overnight you have been able to cough up secretions into your mouth so you haven’t needed much suction. This is good because once your cough is strong enough, the tracheosto­my will be removed.

You know it is Valentine’s Day and you said that you have been able to arrange for a card to be sent to your wife.

You have been moving your arms and legs to help regain your strength and movement.

Phil was transferre­d out of ICU on February 16.

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