Leicester Mercury

Murder inquiry closed due to lack of evidence


- By FINVOLA DUNPHY finvola.dunphy@reachplc.com @finvoladun­phy

A MURDER investigat­ion into the death of a woman has been closed due to insufficie­nt evidence.

Elaine Geoghegan, 70, was found face down in the pond in her back garden in Shellan Close, Market Harborough, on August 12, 2019.

Police were called to the home at 10.40am by the ambulance service.

Despite efforts by paramedics to revive her, Mrs Geoghegan was pronounced dead at the scene.

A post-mortem examinatio­n was not able to determine the cause of her death.

Police launched a murder investigat­ion and arrested a man from Market Harborough in November, 2020.

But now the force has confirmed that there is insufficie­nt evidence to continue with a criminal inquiry into Mrs Geoghegan’s death. A 71-year-old man who was arrested on suspicion of murder has now been released with no further action, police said.

A file will be submitted to HM Coroner.

Detective Inspector Nicole Main said: “This has been a complex case which has been fully investigat­ed over the past two years to establish the circumstan­ces of Mrs Geoghegan’s death. “Following these inquiries, a man who was arrested on suspicion of murder has now been released with no further action. “Thank you to everyone who has assisted us with our inquiries and the team of officers and staff who have worked so hard on this investigat­ion to establish the full facts. “Our thoughts remain with the family of Mrs Geoghegan.”

A man arrested on suspicion of murder has now been released with no further action

Det Insp Nicole Main

 ??  ?? CAUSE OF DEATH UNDETERMIN­ED: Elaine Geoghegan

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