Going green
Gardening is an instant mood booster that improves physical and mental health, says Dr Chris Thorogood
The pandemic has driven home just how crucial nature is to our wellbeing. One study found that 40 per cent of us now place a greater value on the importance of wildlife and visiting local green spaces for our mental health.
Here, Dr Chris Thorogood, deputy director and head of science at the University of Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum, explores ways gardens can soothe our minds
Get growing
There is something satisfying about nurturing and growing plants, conjuring them to life.
The first glimpse of a tiny seedling pushing its way through the earth can be thrilling and do wonders for our wellbeing. And getting stuck in – minus the gardening gloves – can make you more cheerful.
Research has shown that the harmless bacteria found in soil, Mycobacterium vaccae, sends chemical messages to your brain which boost happiness.
The best part is you don’t need a big garden to experience this – even a window box or balcony will do.
You can try growing kitchen scraps – plant avocado stones, orange pips or pineapple tops.
Nurturing plants that can be used for aromatherapy adds another layer of sensory experience, banishing bad moods. Try citrus for invigoration, rose and geranium for selflove and nurture, or lavender for relaxation.
A natural mood-booster
You don’t have to do manual labour to reap the big rewards of being out in nature.
Simply being in a green space – breathing in the fresh air and listening to the sounds of birdsong and water – is enough to have a positive impact on wellbeing. Research shows that people who spend time in a garden are significantly more likely to report general good health, higher psychological wellbeing and greater physical activity levels than those who do not.
When the weather permits, take your morning coffee break outside or wander around your local park.
Forget the phone and give yourself time to absorb your surroundings and you’ll notice a boost in mood.
Virtual reality
Living in flats or cities means many don’t have a garden to enjoy.
Fortunately, there are plenty of local green spaces, such as parks and allotments, to visit. And they have been reopening all around us.
For those unable to reach them, virtual tours can help recreate the feeling of being in a garden.
To make it easier for everyone to explore green spaces even when they can’t go in person, Google Arts & Culture has launched a new online project, # GardensUnited, celebrating 50 of the best of British gardens, allotments, research institutions and museums nationwide.
They include the Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum, Kew Gardens and the Eden Project.
Combat loneliness
Many of us may have experienced feelings of loneliness or isolation during the pandemic. But for some, this is not just a side effect of lockdown. Almost half of adults in England feel lonely at times, and the number of over-50s experiencing loneliness is expected to reach two million by 2025.
Gardening and interacting with nature can help combat this.
Simply engaging with something real and living can help you feel more connected to the world around you.
Communal green spaces also offer chances of social interaction – whether it’s just a friendly nod to a fellow walker, or meeting with local community groups.
And not only can you get outside and grow your own on an allotment, they are places where new friendships can flourish.