Leicester Mercury

Green light for a vegan diet



I’m vegan and I’ve just found out I’m pregnant. Will me eating only vegan food give my unborn child enough nutrition, and is it safe to only feed my baby vegan food when it’s weaned?


Sandra Hood, author of Feeding Your Vegan Child, says: “A wellplanne­d vegan diet can provide all the nutrition needed for every life stage, and this includes from pregnancy through to raising a vegan child. Indeed, such a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, wholegrain­s, nuts and seeds, has been shown to be protective.

“As with any diet, it’s important it’s balanced and contains a widerange of plant foods. Pregnant and breastfeed­ing women can meet all their nutrient needs on a vegan diet. There are some nutrients that need particular attention as they aren’t found in plant foods, i.e. vitamin B12 and vitamin D, so need to be provided by supplement­s or [vegan-friendly] fortified foods [such as cereals and plant milks].

“Vitamin B12 is made by bacteria and omnivores obtain it by eating animal products. For vegans, it can be provided by fortified foods or supplement­s. Vitamin D is only found in animal products or fortified foods but is usually obtained from sun exposure. However during different life stages, whether an omnivore, vegetarian or vegan, a supplement is recommende­d, for example during pregnancy and lactation and for children from six months to five years of age.

“Breastfeed­ing or formula feed should be the main food for the first six months. When weaning begins, breastfeed­ing should continue for as long as desired. Up to one year of age, infants grow and develop very quickly so the focus should be on high energy foods. Monitoring growth is the best way to ensure energy requiremen­ts are being met. Infants should be offered a wide variety of foods and suitable high energy foods include nut butters, avocado and tahini which can be added to dishes or spread on vegetables and breads.

“All the essential fats and proteins come from plant foods, and these requiremen­ts can be easily met on a vegan diet. Good protein sources include beans, grains, nuts, seeds and green leafy vegetables. High fat sources include nut and seed butters, avocados, tofu and soya foods. Iron requiremen­ts are high during this time and breast milk continues to be a good source, along with fortified cereals, mashed beans and lentils.

“The Department of Health recommends a daily supplement containing vitamins A, C and D for all children from six months until five years of age. In addition, vegan children should take a vitamin B12 supplement of at least 1mcg per day, starting at six months of age.

“Plant foods provide many protective nutrients including phytochemi­cals which may reduce many diseases, fibre associated with lower risk of cancer and heart disease, and they are low in saturated fat. Finally, choosing a vegan diet is compassion­ate, healthy and a sustainabl­e way to live.”

Feeding Your Vegan Child by Sandra Hood Is published by Hammersmit­h Health Books, priced £14.99. Available now.

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 ??  ?? Eating a vegan diet while pregnant will provide all the nutrition babies need
Eating a vegan diet while pregnant will provide all the nutrition babies need
 ??  ?? Sandra Hood
Sandra Hood

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