Leicester Mercury

Fly-tipper seen on CCTV faces bill of £4,500


A MAN who was caught on camera using a tipper van to dump fencing panels in a lane has been ordered by a court to pay nearly £4,500.

Vincent Smith, 40, pleaded guilty at Leicester Magistrate­s’ Court to fly-tipping wooden fencing waste in Houghton Lane, Stoughton, on the afternoon of February 7, 2020.

The court heard Smith, of New Romney Crescent, Leicester, damaged the grass verge and blocked part of the road with the panels.

But covert CCTV, installed by Harborough District Council’s enviro-crime team, captured Smith in the act and was able to identify the vehicle registrati­on plate.

Smith originally denied the offence when questioned by Harborough District Council, claiming that someone had “copied his vehicle identity” but the CCTV footage, which showed a bearded man wearing a distinctiv­e earring, clearly identified Smith as the driver.

The court also heard that Smith was a repeat offender. He had previously received a fixed-penalty notice from the council on December 12, 2019 for fly-tipping in Scraptoft.

Smith was fined £1,661 by the court, with a £166 surcharge, and ordered to pay costs of £2,640.

In mitigation, Smith accepted it was him, and said he was “embarrasse­d” and regrets it happened.

He said he had initially denied the offence due to financial concerns.

Councillor Jonathan Bateman, Harborough District Council’s cabinet lead for environmen­tal services, said: “This is a fantastic result and sends out a loud and clear message that if you illegally dispose of waste in our district, we will use the full power of the law against you.

“I would like to congratula­te our prosecutio­n team and say a big thank you to the police who helped speed up this outcome by executing warrants for arrest when the defendant previously failed to turn up to a court hearing.

“We will not tolerate fly-tipping and this shows how big the financial penalties can be if you flout the law.”


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