It’s a perfect time to go vegan and stick with it
IT is said that those who adopt a vegan diet for the sake of animals are the most likely to stick with it.
Currently it is “fashionable” to be vegan and other reasons include personal and environmental health.
Sadly Nigella Lawson’s effort to be vegan only lasted for two weeks and I wonder what her reason for taking it up in the first place was? (“Five mistakes to avoid if you want to go vegan”, Mercury, November 2).
I became vegan 15 years ago after reading a booklet about the lives and slaughter of the animals we eat.
I must add that I have no health issues and a check-up revealed that my “body age” was 15 years younger than my chronological age.
Sadly, the part played by animal agriculture in climate change has been studiously avoided by our ministers and Prime Minister and does not feature in the COP26 discussions.
What a missed opportunity with animal agriculture being one of the biggest contributors to global warming.
It is also a cause of air and water pollution.
The recent COP26 focus on deforestation omitted to say that animal agriculture is responsible for an estimated 80 per cent of global deforestation and a driver of habitat loss leading to species extinction and let’s not forget the lives and tragedy of billions of animals who are killed worldwide for food.
There is currently a campaign headed by actor Joaquin Phoenix, together with over 14,000 celebrities, scientists, UN ambassadors and many others requesting COP26 world leaders to endorse the “Plant Based Treaty to Combat the Climate Crisis”, which can be found online.
There has never been a more appropriate time to consider a vegan diet, whatever the reason. Perhaps Nigella should try harder!
Elizabeth Allison, Aylestone