Leicester Mercury

It’s a perfect time to go vegan and stick with it


IT is said that those who adopt a vegan diet for the sake of animals are the most likely to stick with it.

Currently it is “fashionabl­e” to be vegan and other reasons include personal and environmen­tal health.

Sadly Nigella Lawson’s effort to be vegan only lasted for two weeks and I wonder what her reason for taking it up in the first place was? (“Five mistakes to avoid if you want to go vegan”, Mercury, November 2).

I became vegan 15 years ago after reading a booklet about the lives and slaughter of the animals we eat.

I must add that I have no health issues and a check-up revealed that my “body age” was 15 years younger than my chronologi­cal age.

Sadly, the part played by animal agricultur­e in climate change has been studiously avoided by our ministers and Prime Minister and does not feature in the COP26 discussion­s.

What a missed opportunit­y with animal agricultur­e being one of the biggest contributo­rs to global warming.

It is also a cause of air and water pollution.

The recent COP26 focus on deforestat­ion omitted to say that animal agricultur­e is responsibl­e for an estimated 80 per cent of global deforestat­ion and a driver of habitat loss leading to species extinction and let’s not forget the lives and tragedy of billions of animals who are killed worldwide for food.

There is currently a campaign headed by actor Joaquin Phoenix, together with over 14,000 celebritie­s, scientists, UN ambassador­s and many others requesting COP26 world leaders to endorse the “Plant Based Treaty to Combat the Climate Crisis”, which can be found online.

There has never been a more appropriat­e time to consider a vegan diet, whatever the reason. Perhaps Nigella should try harder!

Elizabeth Allison, Aylestone

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