Leicester Mercury

Attitudes to pets not changed in 15 years


THE first letter I wrote to Mailbox was published in December 2006. It’s title was “Bad attitude towards pets”.

It was in response to an article, “Cruel owners abandon pets” (December 23, 2006).

Here we are, 15 years later and nothing has changed: “Rescued but how many more to come?”, (December 20).

In the 2006 article it was reported that 2,000 cats and dogs were taken by their owners to Leicester’s RSPCA Woodside Animal Centre.

This number did not include animals abandoned and rescued by the RSPCA. The Mercury article discussed reasons given by owners for giving up their pets.

It is, of course, more responsibl­e to give up pets to a reputable animal centre and there are valid reasons for such animals to be rehomed.

Abandoning animals such as the dogs in the recent Mercury article is callous and cruel.

However, giving up a pet can be largely avoided if prospectiv­e owners researched the needs of animals, considered the cost and the impact on their lifestyles.

It is also vital that taking on a pet is regarded as a commitment for as long as the animal lives, come what may.

Animals are not commoditie­s that can be exchanged, discarded or replaced when a new model comes along.

Animals are sentient beings with feelings like ours.

They experience such emotions as fear, contentmen­t, happiness and frustratio­n, in fact the whole range of emotions.

Those who consider abandoning animals should consider if they would do likewise to an innocent, vulnerable human.

Thankfully, all the dogs apart from one, found at Bradgate Park are now safe and being cared for.

Let’s hope the fifth dog is soon rescued.

It is worth rememberin­g that there must be many animals which are abandoned and never found.

It seems appropriat­e to repeat the quotation I used in 2006, by St Francis of Assisi: “If you have men who will exclude any of God’s creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow men.”

Wishing all humans and animals a Happy Christmas.

Elizabeth Allison, Aylestone

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