Leicester Mercury

Man armed with knife ran amok outside flats

- By SUZY GIBSON suzanne.gibson@reachplc.com @GibsonSuzy

A FORMER social care worker threatened to kill someone and pulled a knife in front of a police officer who was trying to help him.

Melusi Madaweni, 29, had been in emergency accommodat­ion because he was unable to stay at his home in Linney Road, Beaumont Leys, Leicester.

He was collected by police, who were to take him to his flat to pick up possession­s.

When they arrived, part of the flat had been boarded up and Madaweni noticed the place had been ransacked and a number of items taken.

Officers were taking him to Wigston police station to help him and Madaweni asked if they could stop off at his cousin’s home on the way, but then spotted a man he knew and flew into a violent rage.

Abigail Hill, prosecutin­g at Leicester Crown Court, said: “The defendant shouted he was going to kill the man and made a gesture, running his fingers across his throat. He became fixated on the man and tried to get access into the locked communal entrance.

“The officer tried to get him back to the car. The defendant pulled a kitchen knife out of his trouser waistband and lunged at the door.

He waved the knife in the air and ignored the officer’s orders to drop the knife.

“He eventually retreated, but turned around to throw the knife, with a 20cm blade, towards the entrance, causing it to break off from the handle.”

Madaweni then ran around the side of the building and returned with a metal bar, which he used to hit the door of the building, shattering the glass.

“Fearing he would gain entry, the officer used Kaptor spray which stunned the defendant causing him to drop the pole and walk away,” Ms Hill said.

Madaweni, who had no previous conviction­s, pleaded guilty to possessing a bladed article, causing damage and threatenin­g behaviour on October 4 last year.

Judge Robert Brown asked Vasanti Vaitha, who was mitigating: “Did he assume this person was responsibl­e for damage to his flat?”

Miss Vaitha said: “We cannot say the person was responsibl­e for the damage, but my client recognised this person.”

She said the defendant had lost everything, including his job in social care and had since moved away from Leicester to a place where he was “getting the support he needs”.

She said: “When he was arrested he returned to the police car and immediatel­y apologised.

“He was clearly acting out of frustratio­n and fear as a result of events that had occurred.”

Sentencing, Judge Brown said: “Counsel doesn’t want me to go into the background of this matter in open court.”

He said he accepted the defendant was in a vulnerable situation at the time and his behaviour was “totally out of character” due to the circumstan­ces.

Madaweni was given a six-month jail sentence, suspended for 12 months.


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