Leicester Mercury

A fight for life


“WHEN you hear the words, ‘You’ve got cancer’, your world stops. It is like moving instantly into slow motion.”

TV presenter Julia Bradbury was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, leaving her feeling helpless and alone.

The 51-year-old says: “I thought ‘S***, ok’, and then it was ‘I’ve got to live. I need to be here, I want to be here.’”

Julia, who has a 10-year-old son Zephyrus and seven-year-old twin girls Xanthe and Zena, says telling the kids she has cancer was one of the toughest moments of her life.

This emotional and candid film tells the story of Julia’s battle with cancer, from coming to terms with the news to her preparatio­ns for a potentiall­y life-saving single mastectomy.

She keeps her own personal video diary in the run-up to her surgery, also speaking to experts and families in similar situations.

We also hear from her immediate family, including her parents, both of whom are cancer survivors.

Her mother Chrissie says: “When she told us she had been diagnosed, I was shell shocked.”

Julia says: “I wanted to make this documentar­y to help spread awareness about this pervasive disease that now affects one in seven women.

“There was so much I didn’t know about breast cancer before my diagnosis and I hope this helps highlight the complexiti­es of our individual cases, as well as exploring some of the incredible support networks that are out there.

“The impact of a cancer diagnosis goes way beyond the initial devastatin­g news and the ripple effect on those close to you is crushing.”

 ?? ?? Julia Bradbury has presented many documentar­ies, but none as important or moving as this one – about her own cancer diagnosis
Julia Bradbury has presented many documentar­ies, but none as important or moving as this one – about her own cancer diagnosis

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