Leicester Mercury

Jordi-Mai ‘the sort who could enter room and make all smile’


- By TOM MACK thomas.mack@reachplc.com @T0Mmack gofundme.com/f/ jordimais-send-off samaritans.org

A FRIEND of a 22-year-old mum who has died is raising money for her funeral and the care of her son.

The death of Jordi-Mai Richardson, pictured, on Monday came just a few weeks after she had passed her driving test and while she was looking forward to a promotion at work.

Her best friend, Elle Keogh, 23, said: “She was the sort of person who could enter a room and make everyone smile instantly.

“She worked for Cadent, the gas company, and had just had an interview for a promotion she was really excited about.

“She was clever and she really deserved it and wanted it.

“She had only passed her driving test two or three weeks earlier, too. She wanted to drive around the UK and see all the caves, beaches and waterfalls. She was loved by so many people.”

Jordi-Mai’s four-year-old son, Logan, was staying with her mum in Peterborou­gh the day she died at her home in Barwell.

Elle, who lives in Beaumont Leys, Leicester, said: “She always had problems with her mental health, but she was also a really happy person and she was so sociable, always wanting to go out and see people, and loved her drum and bass music.

“I got a phone call from her expartner and I was heartbroke­n. Absolutely lost, scared – everything felt empty.”

Elle is raising money for both JordiMai’s funeral and for Logan.

“Nothing’s set in stone yet but we want the funeral to be open to all her family and many friends,” she said.

“I want to give her the best send-off we possibly can and, hopefully, have enough left over to help provide for Logan.

“So many people have sent messages and donations.” By 5.30pm yesterday, more than 140 donors had taken the GoFundMe page total to more than £4,100.

One person commenting on the page said: “She was one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Her smile was so radiant. “I know how much she adored Logan. She may have been a young mum but she did a super job of raising her son.” Another said: “You really did light up a room. Rest peacefully – you deserve it.”

To donate, go to:

She always had problems with her mental health, but she was also a really happy person

Elle Keogh

If you need someone to talk to, contact the Samaritans free on 116 123 or visit their website:

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