Leicester Mercury

I ended up on a bridge wanting to end it all


- By SALI SHOBOWALE sali.shobowale@reachplc.com @sali_shobowale

AT her lowest point, Charlotte Denton wanted to end it all. She had spiralled into the depths of despair after being abused and going off the rails as a teenager, ending up in a toxic relationsh­ip, turning to substance abuse and losing her daughter.

She then ended up homeless and, with nowhere else to turn, found herself on a motorway bridge, seriously considerin­g whether to end her life.

But today, after support from Action Homeless, she is looking forward to a brighter future and hopes that she will be able to help others.

Charlotte, 35, said: “My upbringing was good, but during my teenage years I had a few traumas, such as sexual abuse from outside the family and I found out that the man that raised me wasn’t my real father.

“My maternal father’s mental health issues led to him being admitted into the Bradgate mental health unit, where he eventually ended up committing suicide.

“Losing my dad in such a horrific way, partnered with the sexual violence I faced, really sent me in a downward spiral.”

Charlotte, pictured, began to skive school and rebel, and ended up in supported living.

“I turned to a life of heavy drinking and ended up in a toxic relationsh­ip with the father of my daughter. The relationsh­ip left me with no selfesteem,” she said.

“Although I’ve never lived on the streets, from a young age I’ve been in hostels and supported accommodat­ion. I’ve moved around so much, I’ve not really had a place to call home.”

Charlotte decided to leave the relationsh­ip, but her mental health issues left her with no option but to hand over her daughter into the care of her mum.

She said: “I’ve been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, emotionall­y unstable personalit­y disorder, manic-depressive disorder, and schizoaffe­ctive disorder.

“Just like my dad, I ended up in the Bradgate Unit.”

Charlotte entered a detox rehabilita­tion centre in Shepshed in February last year, which left her with nothing and no one.

“At my lowest I ended up on a motorway bridge, wanting to end it all. I went from staying in a two bedroom place to having absolutely nothing,” she said.

“I went an addiction resources centre called Unity House in Leicester and I got a lot of support.

“At the point I was ready to move on from the centre, Action Homeless stepped in and helped me to find accommodat­ion.”

Charlotte now stays in one of Action Homeless’ properties near Narborough Road and the charity has continued to check up on her regularly. It has supported her to get back into education.

Charlotte now wants her story to inspire others to get help.

She said: “I want to be able to help other people that have had mental health issues and substance misuse issues.

“I want to use my criminolog­y degree to go into the probation services but ultimately I’d really like to help mothers in similar situations to mine.

“When people lose their children, they don’t come out on the other side, and they can easily use it as an excuse to spiral.

“To me, that isn’t the answer and I want to help mothers realise that they need to put their children first.

“My advice to other people in a similar situation would be to reach out and get help.

“I know a lot of people don’t trust the services out there, but there are fantastic ones that are willing to help – you just have to find what works for you.”

More charity stories, Pages 20&21.

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