Leicester Mercury

Choice of pair who were both part of Boris’ cabal


WELL, that was fun - not! The election of the next lunatic to run the Wine Time Fridays party, run up more day release patients from Bedlam than we have seen since the last mad fool was imposed on the country.

Promises of almost free money scattered around like snowflakes, in an effort to delude fewer than 200,000 party paid up members into voting for them.

This, by the way, for the uneducated, is known as democracy Conservati­ve style, harking back to the days when only the select few could actually vote, and landowners got two.

They have never really got over the idea of everybody having a say.

The many have been whittled down to two, and who do we have fighting for the chance to continue with the mad fool’s unfinished work?

First there is the box of frogs called Liz Truss, who historical­ly wasn’t even sure what the Conservati­ve Party stood for, as she was previously loved up with the Lib Dems.

Seemingly chock-a-block full of magic money trees, and identified by the press as the purveyor of the largest spending spree of all the candidates, Liz has done everything she can apart from digging up Mrs Thatcher to look, sound and behave like the Iron Lady.

We can look forward, I’m sure, to the return of those lunatic policies of the 1980s.

Next, we have the US equivalent of a box of frogs, “Rich”ie Sunak, a man so far removed from the reality of living as a working person in the UK as to be a fairy story gone wrong.

Lest we forget, this was the man who as Chancellor oversaw 15 tax increases, the highest rate of tax since 1942, and went around wibbling about the party of low taxation, all while doing absolutely nothing about relieving the tax burden that the previous incumbents of the position threw at working people like it was a board game.

Although, give him his due, he was a tad distracted by keeping his US green card option open.

Nice work if you can get it, to have a family member in charge of your tax burden?

Of course what really sums up this mad hatters election special, is that the pair of them were so in thrall to the mad fool Boris Johnson, that they were second guessing what lunatic policies No 10 could come out with.

And as part of the cabal that supported the party as they dragged the country down, are they seriously of the opinion that they are best placed to sort it out?

Everybody knows that the only way forward after the past two years or so of the fool is a General Election.

But that is as likely as one of the box of frogs promises.

Robert Thomas, Botcheston

 ?? GETTY ?? HEAD TO HEAD: One of Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak will be the next Prime Minister
GETTY HEAD TO HEAD: One of Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak will be the next Prime Minister

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