Leicester Mercury

‘Generous and kind proud to call him Dad’


GARRY Wickes, Gerald’s son, called his dad “one of life’s helpers”.

He said: “I am so very proud to say that Ged Wickes was my dad.

“From the day I was born, he has always been there, from teaching me to swim at a very early age to teaching me to fish, which has stayed with me all my life.

“He supported me in every sport I tried. With football at school, he would take half the team in his works car to every away game.

“Having Dad in my life and supporting me and always giving lifts to me and my friends, it was a wonderful way to grow up.

“My dad was generous and kind and I know he brought happiness to a lot of people all through his life.

“He will always be remembered by people as one of life’s helpers. He would give you all the time in the world and could turn his hand to anything from DIY to helping in the garden or helping friends at home.

“I know so many people are struggling to come to terms with losing Dad. We miss him so much but he will forever be a memory in so many people’s hearts.”

A further tribute was paid in a joint statement by his grandchild­ren.

It read: “Our grandad Gerald was the most kind-hearted and caring person. He was so selfless.

“If anyone ever needed help or advice, grandad Gerald was the first person to be there.

“This is the kind of person he was, not just as a grandad, but to all the community.

“Growing up, he was so involved in our lives, from watching school plays to watching his two grandsons play football. He enjoyed spending quality time with all his family.

“And nothing made Grandad smile more than spending time with his great-grandchild­ren.

“He would always take photos of them to show off to his friends. He truly was the most doting grandad.

“We love you always and miss you terribly.”


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