Leicester Mercury

Contrast Ms Rayner with the Tory party


MS Rayner MP, Labour’s deputy leader, has been accused of financial misconduct.

This after a previous investigat­ion by the police which decided that she hadn’t committed a criminal offence.

However, the mad as a box of frogs political party, formally known as the Conservati­ves, decided, in my opinion, to crawl out of their gutter and beg/force/ threaten the police to play party politics and reinvestig­ate her alleged criminalit­y.

Much as they did when Mr Starmer had a beer with his curry, rather than clearing out the local wine shop for any and all alcohol, as displayed by Johnson and his fridge party.

However, rather than achieve a stunning coup against the Labour

Party, she simply has said that if she is found guilty of these cloud cuckoo land allegation­s she will stand down.

Even though she has cut the box of frogs off at the knees, as late as last night Grant Shapps was still trying to make political capital out of this.

This a man whose political record includes every loose position nobody else wants to do. Currently heading up as the minister of mops and leaky buckets, I think.

Perhaps he should be better putting forward the many beneficial policies the Conservati­ves have for the UK taxpayer.

However that’s unlikely when the thrust of the party’s fiscal policies have been to impose the highest level of tax on the UK taxpayer since the 1940s.

Here we see, in a single action, just how a politician with integrity and honesty behaves when facing criminal charges.

Contrast that with the squalid behaviour of the box of frogs party, whose fingernail­s are to be found still dug into the furniture when they are facing career-ending charges.

It is my forecast that the Conservati­ves are facing political obliviatio­n, much as the Canadian Conservati­ves did in the 1990s at a General Election, when after being the government with a healthy majority, they were left with five

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