Leicester Mercury

Pic of the week

- Www.lfps.org.uk lfps.secretary@gmail.com

THIS week the Leicester Forest Picture of the Week travels from South Africa and moves to the Camargue, in the South of France.

This was where Paul Marriott took some pictures of the famous wild horses.

He said: “The photo was taken in October 2023, during a photograph­ic workshop to the Camargue, organised by Create Away, France.

“We were based in Aigues-Mortes in the Camargue, and were photograph­ing the horses during early morning and evening sessions in both the marshes or on the seashore.

“The horses are wild and are rounded up by gardians and were then driven towards us whilst we stood knee deep in the marsh or on the seashore with our cameras.

“In spite of being wild, the horses appeared to know the gardians well, and whilst the gardians encouraged the horses, they appeared quite happy to take part. Many came up to us after a run to inspect our camera equipment, and they would brush your shoulder if you were on the end of the line when completing their run.

“The sessions would last about two hours with frequent breaks to allow the horses to rest and drink, providing more photo opportunit­ies.“

Readers are reminded that the club is now approachin­g the last month of the season, but it’s not too late to go along to one of its

Thursday evening talks and see if what they offer is for you.

A spokesman said: “Meetings are a variety of talks, competitio­ns, support evenings and studio group sessions so we feel we offer something for everyone interested in photograph­y.”

You can find details on their website or by emailing:

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