Leicester Mercury

City to trial work and health support scheme as PM pledges to tackle UK’s ‘sick note culture’

- CRITIC: Labour’s Alison McGovern

LEICESTER is to trial a new government scheme aimed at getting those with long-term illnesses back to work.

The WorkWell programme is part of Whitehall’s broad welfare revamps which include a review of payments to individual­s with mental health conditions.

The move has sparked allegation­s of a “full-on assault on disabled people”.

Beginning in October, the pilot programme will link people suffering from health conditions or disabiliti­es with local physiother­apy and counsellin­g services, with the aim of helping them to either stay in or return to the workforce.

It will also affect sick notes. Under the scheme, people who request them will “have a work and health conversati­on and are signposted to local employment support services so they can remain in work”.

Leicester is one of 15 areas where the scheme, launched by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and the Department for Health and Social Care, will be piloted.

Other areas include Birmingham, Solihull, Greater Manchester,

Cambridges­hire and selected regions of north London and South Yorkshire.

WorkWell bridges medical support with guidance on adjustment­s within the workplace.

For example, a GP may direct a patient suffering from severe back pain to WorkWell; an advisor could then liaise with the patient’s employer to implement adjustment­s such as flexible working hours or an office moved to the ground floor, all while facilitati­ng the patient’s access to physiother­apy.

Work and Pensions Secretary Mel

Stride said: “We are rolling out the next generation of welfare reforms so that thousands more people can gain all the benefits work brings.

“Too many today are falling out of work in a spiral of sickness that harms their finances, their prospects and ultimately their health, where with the right workplace adjustment­s and help, this needn’t be the case.

“And so we have designed WorkWell, a ground-breaking new service, that will for the first time integrate health and work advice at the local level, as part of our plan to stem the flow into economic

inactivity, grow the economy, and change lives for the better.”

Health Secretary Victoria Atkins said: “Too often, people with disabiliti­es or poor health fall out of work with no support. We have a plan to change that and improve lives so everyone has the opportunit­y to find fulfilling work.

“This service will help tens of thousands of people, who will receive joined-up work and health support, tailored to their individual needs.

“This service, alongside a faster, simpler and fairer health service, will build a healthier workforce, and a stronger economy.” The service is voluntary, allowing individual­s to self-refer or to be referred by an employer or a support organisati­on.

Additional­ly, ministers are keen to streamline the process of issuing fit notes with WorkWell. Under the new system, those requesting a fit note will “have a work and health conversati­on and are signposted to local employment support services so they can remain in work”, according to the DWP.

Last month, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak put forward a proposal suggesting that so-called specialist work and health profession­als should take over the responsibi­lity of issuing fit notes from GPs, aiming to tackle the “sick note culture”.

He said the current system failed to adequately focus on the types of work individual­s might still be capable of doing.

A proposal to reform personal independen­ce payments, a non-means tested benefit paid to disabled people to help with the extra living costs caused by longterm disability or ill health, was described by disability equality charity Scope as “a full-on assault on disabled people”.

Labour said it would “look closely” at any programme supporting people into work.

Acting shadow work and pensions secretary Alison McGovern said: “With a record number of people out of work due to sickness and millions of people on spiralling NHS and mental health waiting lists, we need a long-term plan to fix our NHS and get Britain working, not more pilots skirting around the edges.

“Labour’s plan to get Britain working will drive down NHS waiting lists, reform job centres, make work pay, and support people into good jobs across every part of the country.”

 ?? YUI MOK/PA WIRE ?? REFORMS: Mel Stride

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