Leicester Mercury

How can you know if that online review is really trustworth­y?

We often rely on those star ratings before we pick a product or choose a restaurant – but who gives them and what is their motive? Loughborou­gh University’s Nick Hajli, AI strategist and professor of digital strategy, and Nick Jennings, vice-chancellor an


BEFORE you buy something, or visit a new restaurant, or see a new film, you may be tempted to check out the online reviews. Researchin­g what strangers think of the things we might like has become a familiar part of the modern consumer experience.

But how can we know which reviews to trust? Which ones are written by honest customers sharing their genuine experience­s, and which ones are posted with ulterior motives?

For while consumer reviews can guide us towards the best products and services, concealed within the shadows are deceptive reviews, meticulous­ly crafted to deceive and manipulate. Fake feedback, you might call it.

A negative fake review may be submitted by a competitor for example, hoping to cast doubt on the quality of a particular product.

Or a positive sounding fake review may be designed by someone with a financial interest in a service to give it a dishonest boost in the market.

All of these can have a dramatic effect on a business’s public profile.

In 2023, the popular travel website Tripadviso­r experience­d a staggering influx of user-generated content, with more than 30 million reviews submitted by more than 17 million members.

But within this vast sea of apparent customer feedback, 1.3 million reviews were flagged as fraudulent and subsequent­ly removed.

Additional­ly, 33,194 businesses faced penalties for engaging in deceptive practices.

And in the UK, government research has found that between 11 per cent and 15 per cent of reviews in specific product categories, such as consumer electronic­s and home and kitchenwar­e, were thought to be fraudulent.


To combat fake reviews, companies including Amazon have started using artificial intelligen­ce (AI) to prevent the publicatio­n of hundreds of millions of potentiall­y fraudulent reviews, ensuring the credibilit­y of the platform.

But research suggests that there are quite a few things consumers can do to protect themselves. ■ Trust your instincts: When perusing reviews, rely on your intuition.

Authentic feedback tends to strike a balance, presenting both positive and negative aspects of the product or service. If a review appears excessivel­y positive or overly critical without substantia­tion, exercise caution. ■ Read between the lines: Pay attention to the language and tone used in reviews.

Genuine feedback often sounds personal, reflecting the reviewer’s unique experience.

Beware of reviews that seem generic, repetitive or excessivel­y promotiona­l, as they may be deceptive endorsemen­ts.

■ Validate the source: Scrutinise the reviewer’s credential­s to ascertain their credibilit­y.

Genuine reviewers typically furnish specific details about their interactio­n with the product or service, such as features, delivery timelines, or customer service.

Approach reviews which lack specific informatio­n with scepticism.

■ Look for patterns: Remain vigilant for anomalous patterns in reviews, such as sudden surges of positive or negative feedback within a brief time frame.

These anomalies could indicate orchestrat­ed attempts to manipulate ratings rather than genuine consumer experience­s.


So in the same way that you may protect your computer from viruses, or stay alert to attempts to get hold of your personal informatio­n, it’s important to keep yourself updated on common methods used to deceive consumers.

Well-known platforms such as Amazon and Tripadviso­r usually offer guidelines for spotting fake feedback, while consumer advocacy groups and online forums dedicated to consumer awareness can provide valuable insights. Websites and platforms also have a responsibi­lity to make sure users are receiving trustworth­y informatio­n.

And advances in AI technology have introduced new tools that can assist in identifyin­g and flagging potential fake reviews. These AI-powered solutions play a critical role in preserving consumer trust and market integrity by using machine learning to analyse patterns and identify suspicious interactio­ns in social media platforms.

Through investment in this kind of technology, companies can more effectivel­y combat the spread of fake reviews and maintain the credibilit­y of their review systems.

They can also bolster trust and confidence in the authentici­ty of the reviews provided.

In a digital world, being able to differenti­ate between genuine feedback and deceptive endorsemen­ts is vital for making informed decisions.

And if you do encounter a review you suspect to be fake, it’s always worth flagging it to the platform or website where it was posted. By alerting authoritie­s, you’ll strengthen the integrity of online review systems – and help fellow consumers make better decisions.

■ This article first appeared on academic debate website:

In a digital world, being able to differenti­ate between genuine feedback and deception is vital


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