Leicester Mercury

Postie Mary Spices up her rounds – all for a good cause


- By DYLAN HAYWARD dylan.hayward@reachplc.com

A POSTAL worker is turning heads and brightenin­g up people’s days by swapping her uniform for a collection of outfits.

Mary Button has transforme­d her Friday rounds in Ashby into a runway for charity.

As well as posting letters, she is delivering smiles to many – in aid of the British Heart Foundation (BHF).

The 53-year- old has shown off a colourful array of eye-catching costumes on her rounds so far.

Among her standout looks is her Ginger Spice-inspired outfit.

The fund-raising idea was originally for posties to have dress down Fridays.

But Mary wanted to do more, especially after the loss of two fellow Royal Mail staff. She said: “My boss suggested dress down Fridays but in my head, I heard dress up Friday. “I choose good characters that everyone can relate to.

“Two of our colleagues have passed away from heart problems. “This is the second year that Royal Mail has supported this charity, so it’s definitely close to our hearts.”

She said the Geri Halliwell look has been a particular hit, but the response overall from Ashby residents has been overwhelmi­ngly positive too.

Mary said: “My customers are absolutely the best. They all totally love it.” Sandra Hughes, who is on Mary’s round, said: “She’s a delight to have as a post lady, brightens up your day and, of course, this is all for a very good cause. We think it’s wonderful.”

Mary, who has been with Royal Mail for nearly seven years, has raised more than £200 so far. She aims to pass £500.

The Ashby postie’s fundraiser is part of a broader campaign by Royal Mail employees across the UK.

In February 2023, Royal Mail and BHF launched a partnershi­p aiming to raise £2 million for the Community Hearts Programme. This aims to provide CPR training to one million young people, install community defibrilla­tors, and create accessible heart health resources nationwide.

My boss suggested dress down Fridays but in my head, I heard dress up Friday

Mary Button

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 ?? SANDRA HUGHES ?? OUTFIT: Mary Button in two of her guises, including Ginger Spice
SANDRA HUGHES OUTFIT: Mary Button in two of her guises, including Ginger Spice

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