Leicester Mercury

Post office moving to new site a mile away


THE relocation of a post office branch has been agreed.

Evington post office will move to 49 Welland Vale Road, from Main Street.

A Post Office spokesman said: “Our postmaster­s operate branches alongside their private retail business and it is important they make the very best use of their resources to ensure future sustainabi­lity of both their business and the post office service.”

The new premises will be refurbishe­d to include a serving point at the retail counter, and will be open Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm and Saturday, 9am to 1pm.

This will be an extra nine hours of Post Office services a week, including Saturday morning, later closing and no longer closing at lunch, the company said.

The spokesman said: “The new premises are approximat­ely 1.1 miles from the current branch.

“With any relocation it is inevitable that while some customers will have an easier journey to the new location, regrettabl­y others will have further to travel.

“We remain confident the move will not significan­tly impede customer access to Post Office services.

“In terms of pedestrian access to the new location, there are wellmainta­ined pavements, with dropped kerbs along the route from the current branch to the new premises.

“There is a regular bus service from Evington branch to the new premises – the nearest bus stop is approximat­ely 30 metres from the new location.

“Roadside parking is also available nearby.

“We believe this relocation is the most effective way to secure the long-term viability of Post Office services in Evington.”

 ?? ?? RETAIL: 49 Welland Vale Road
RETAIL: 49 Welland Vale Road

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