Leicester Mercury

Man in grief over death of grandad assaulted a police officer


- By TOM MACK thomas.mack@reachplc.com @T0Mmack

A MAN who became aggressive towards his family after finding out his grandad had died assaulted a police officer who tried to arrest him, leaving him with a cut to his arm.

Tiraj Patel, 25, also spat at the officer about five times during the arrest at Patel’s family home in Egerton Avenue, off Abbey Lane in Leicester.

Patel appeared at Leicester Magistrate­s’ Court, where he admitted assault by beating of an emergency worker.

Prosecutor Vishal Patel told the court: “On June 21 the police were called to a domestic complaint by the defendant’s family member.

“As the officers entered, one of the family members had detained the defendant on the stairs.

“The police made the decision to arrest the defendant and he resisted the handcuffs being put on him.

“He was warned he would be taken to the ground if he continued and this made the defendant more violent and he spat at the officer on five occasions, then reached out and grabbed at the officer’s stab vest and caused him to fall to the ground and cut his arm.

“The defendant then shouted, ‘Your mother will go to hell.’”

He said Patel had four previous offences on his record.

Sehar Raja, representi­ng Patel, told the magistrate­s: “His grandfathe­r was terminally ill and passed away that week.

“He shared a very close relationsh­ip with him.”

She said Patel was going through a dispute with his employer at the time and drinking daily while off work.

He had also stopped taking his medication for schizophre­nia at the time but had since been getting further help from his doctor and had made up with his family.

She said: “He is extremely remorseful and ashamed by his actions.

“It was out of character and he wasn’t thinking properly at the time.

“He still lives with his parents and has a better relationsh­ip with his family now.”

The magistrate­s gave Patel a 12-month community order with 60 hours of unpaid work.

He will also have to pay £85 court costs and a £114 victim surcharge.

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