Leicester Mercury

Health expert and singer-


A KEY figure during the Leicester lockdowns and a 1990s hit-maker were among the latest luminaries to have been honoured by a university.

Professor Ivan Browne “fulfilled his father’s wishes” when he received an honorary Doctorate of Science from the University of Leicester on Friday, for his exceptiona­l track record in public health leadership.

Also recognised at the De Montfort Hall ceremony was singer, essayist and art historian David McAlmont, honoured for his museums heritage work.

Professor Brown, a former director of public health with the city council, said: “It is an incredible honour to receive this award from the University of Leicester.

“I grew up on Adderley Road, just next to the university, and my father worked on it as a carpenter, particular­ly the science laboratori­es.

“The university has always been part of the landscape of my life, so for me to now be considered part of this fine institutio­n gives me great joy. My dad would have been ecstatic.”

Prof Browne was a key figure in the city’s response to the pandemic.

His leadership skills, public sector expertise and understand­ing of the community were fundamenta­l to the city’s response to the pandemic, said a university spokesman, not least during the extended Leicester lockdown when restrictio­ns were lifted across the rest of England.

Prof Browne’s parents were part of the Windrush generation.

His mother was a ward sister at Leicester Royal Infirmary for many years and his father was part of the constructi­on team that built the university’s Engineerin­g Building.

Mr Browne Sr’s lifelong wish was that his son would one day graduate from the university he helped to build.

After taking O-levels at evening classes and A-levels at a college, Prof Browne studied for a degree at the University of Leeds.

A career lasting more than 35 years in various NHS and local authority posts culminated in his appointmen­t as director of public health with the city council.

In 2023, he stepped down from that post to become professor of public health at De Montfort University.

Prof Browne is a fellow of the Faculty of Public Health, which awarded him its President’s Medal.

Last year, he was awarded the Chief Medical Officer’s National Impact Award by the Associatio­n of Directors of Public Health and he was elected a deputy lieutenant of Leicesters­hire in February 2022.

He has worked closely with the University of Leicester for years, and continues to do so as a vital part of the team developing the Civic Universiti­es Partnershi­p between the three Leicesters­hire universiti­es. The professor is already an honorary graduate of Loughborou­gh University.

David McAlmont, best known for his music collaborat­ions with composer David Arnold and musician Bernard Butler during the 1990s, has

 ?? REDPIX ?? ‘INCREDIBLE HONOUR’: Prof Ivan Browne was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Science
REDPIX ‘INCREDIBLE HONOUR’: Prof Ivan Browne was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Science

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