Leicester Mercury

Ali named apprentice of year

- By STAFF REPORTER www.leicesters­hire.gov.uk/jobs-andvolunte­ering/working-for-the-council

A TRADING Standards officer who is at the forefront of work to tackle illegal tobacco – and helped instigate the county’s first closure for offences – has been named National Apprentice of the Year.

Ali Walker was given the accolade by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) at its national conference in Leeds in recognitio­n of her part in the ongoing work to crack down on illicit tobacco and vape sales across Leicesters­hire.

She joined the council’s Trading Standards service in February 2022 after working as a probation officer for 10 years, and enrolled on the Regulatory Compliance apprentice­ship.

In September, Ali started a further Level 6 Trading Standards Profession­al Apprentice­ship in animal health and product safety, which will allow her to gain more qualificat­ions in other areas of work for which Trading Standards is responsibl­e.

Duncan Stephenson, from the CTSI, said: “Judges were impressed by Ali’s work in tackling the supply of illegal tobacco.

“This included working in partnershi­p with other enforcemen­t agencies and resulted in issuing a £15,000 fine to a local trader and instigatin­g the county’s first-ever closure after working closely with local police.

“Ali is now leading on a new project on underage sales, and she is always looking at alternativ­e ways of tackling criminalit­y.”

Ali said: “I was shocked to win the award and still am. There are a lot of good apprentice­s doing a lot of good work in Trading Standards, so it’s just lovely the team felt I deserved to be nominated – let alone win.

“For people who are new to, or

considerin­g, a career in Trading Standards, I would definitely recommend an apprentice­ship.

“Trading Standards has such a huge remit, and the apprentice­ship helps to give you a grounding in all the areas we cover.

“Apprentice­ships aren’t just for school leavers – I came from an establishe­d career in the Probation Service, which shows that apprentice­ships are an option for people of all ages. The fact that Leicesters­hire Trading Standards offers apprentice­ships also demonstrat­es the commitment it has towards investing in and developing staff.”

Councillor Deborah Taylor, county council cabinet member for regulatory services, said: “I would like to offer my sincere congratula­tions to Ali Walker on being named CTSI National Apprentice of the Year.

“This remarkable achievemen­t is a testament to her hard work and dedication, which really deserves to be recognised at a national level.

“The council’s apprentice­ship scheme continues to provide invaluable opportunit­ies for skill developmen­t and career advancemen­t of all ages. We are immensely proud of Ali and all our apprentice­s who contribute so significan­tly to the work that this authority carries out.”

More informatio­n about the range of apprentice­ship opportunit­ies on offer at the council can be found at:

 ?? ?? IMPRESSIVE WORK: Ali Walker with CTSI’s Phil Owen and TV’s Rav Wilding
IMPRESSIVE WORK: Ali Walker with CTSI’s Phil Owen and TV’s Rav Wilding

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