Leisure Painter



This handy gadget will help you to compose paintings quickly when you are sketching from life. The viewfinder is for a 9x12 format, but you can also make one for 8x10, or any other common picture format. Follow these instructio­ns to make one.

1 On a piece of cardboard or mountboard, mark out a 17x20cm rectangle then measure 4cm in from each edge and draw a rectangle that will be 9x12cm. Mark the thirds with short lines on all four sides of the small rectangle then place a ruler across them and mark where they fall on the edge of the outside larger rectangle. Make sure your marks cross the line of the inner rectangle.

2 Cut out the inner rectangle with a sharp knife. Then cut V-shaped notches in the outer edge of the large rectangle where you marked the thirds. Don’t throw the inner rectangle away as you will have a use for that later.

3 Lightly stretch thin cord, string or cotton thread across from notch to notch, and Sellotape it to the back.

4 For added strength, also tape the cord to the front using Sellotape. Your viewfinder is now ready for use. Just hold it up and look through the hole to find a view you want to paint – but make sure your focal point rests on one of the intersecti­ons.

5 Now for the magic bit! Draw around the inner rectangle to mark out your picture plane in a sketchbook; this will have the same format as your viewfinder. Put a mark where the thirds fall then use the edge of the card as a ruler to draw in your thirds. These will help you draw your picture and put everything in the right place as you also look through your viewfinder. It’s as easy as that!

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