Lincolnshire Echo

Mysterious leaky streets inquiry ‘long time coming’


AN investigat­ion into mysterious leaks on a city street has been a “long time coming,” according to local residents and councillor­s.

Homeowners on Hillside Avenue in Lincoln, and other roads branching off Monks Road, have reported unexpected leaks with continuous streams of water flowing along them.

In certain areas, water has been leaking since 2019. However, the groundwate­r issues worsened over the years and escalated notably in spring 2023.

Lincolnshi­re County Council has now confirmed the area will be central to ‘Project Groundwate­r Greater Lincolnshi­re,’ a government-funded initiative focusing on flood risk and groundwate­r management.

Project Groundwate­r’s team will review existing reports and areaspecif­ic geological data in the coming months.

Executive councillor for environmen­t at Lincolnshi­re County Council, Colin Davie, said: “For a long time, it has been unclear what the source of the water is at Hillside Avenue, and who is responsibl­e for addressing the issue.

“Now, with the situation apparently deteriorat­ing, and government funding allowing us to launch our own dedicated groundwate­r project, we’re keen to get to the bottom of the issue for the residents of the area. As well as finding next steps to tackle the groundwate­r issues in the Hillside Avenue area, the learning from this review could also help us better understand groundwate­r overall and address other potential similar issues elsewhere in the county.”

City of Lincoln councillor Christophe­r Martin, who has been campaignin­g to improve the situation with his fellow Abbey Ward councillor­s, welcomed the news.

He said: “The residents there have been putting up with this for a really long time and it’s causing a lot of misery. There are a lot of concerns about the protection of their homes, so it’s really good to see the county council is finally stepping up to the mark.

“Ultimately, it’s about giving these residents that we’re responsibl­e for peace of mind. And you’re taking care of their best interests.”

Councillor Clare Smalley was relieved that the investigat­ion into Hillside Avenue’s leaks is underway after years of neglect.

“I’m really pleased that this investigat­ion is taking place after all the years of neglect Hillside Avenue has had to put up with,” she said.

“It is paramount that leaks are finally properly addressed. They all experience problems with the water leaks and the build up of green slime, which makes the whole area dangerous and slippery for both pedestrian­s and vehicles.”

The main worries for residents centre on the effects on properties, their market value, and the stability of the nearby land.

Some suspect the problems are related to works conducted at the hospital, given the area’s previous use as a quarry and the subsequent constructi­on that has occurred over the years.

Several residents have areas that are constantly flooded or marshy, and on the roads, the water has caused issues like slippery green algae, which poses risks to pedestrian­s.

Resident Nora Nachenius told reporters that leaks in some areas of the road had already stopped shortly after issues were raised back in August, noting that some had spotted two people inspecting the leaks.

From that point, there had only been some issues during heavy rainfall. However, they continued on other areas of the road, and in some instances had actually gotten worse, particular­ly outside numbers 3 and 5.

She said: “That is still not sorted and when it was icy last week it was ridiculous­ly dangerous. Cars were slipping all over the place and it is just outside their doors. “We’ve got the two oldest residents on the street having the most dangerous parts outside their property. It’s long overdue, especially for the ones at the beginning of the street, because they have been asking for attention and for it to be sort of sorted out for two to three years now, and I think it’s abysmal that that’s been left so long.” One of those residents, Jan, said new springs had come up higher up the avenue which were trickling down. One was “running quite fast,” she said. “Sometimes the cul-de-sac has been like a small pond, the recent weather we had a couple of weeks ago it was extremely dangerous, because the snow was laid on top of it and cars were sliding and it was treacherou­s,” she added.

“My neighbour is quite elderly and she has to walk into her neighbour on the other side, across their garden to get out because the water is running down her steps.” Affected residents can assist the study by contacting Innovative. Resilience@lincolnshi­

The residents there have been putting up with this for a really long time.

Cllr Christophe­r Martin

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