Llanelli Star

Train fare row sparks delays

Woman made threats to officer

- Ian Lewis @IanLewis80 ian.lewis@mediawales.co.uk 07790 591150

A WOMAN made threats towards a police officer, calling her ugly, after a row over a train fare which saw her hold up the service for almost 30 minutes.

It meant the train was on stop at Llanelli train station for almost 30 minutes, resulting in a £1,400 fine for the train service operator.

Joise Bridget O’Brien, of High Street, Llanelli, blocked the doors from closing on the train when it was at Llanelli station during an argument with a guard after she missed her stop at Gowerton.

She pleaded guilty to using threatenin­g words and behaviour and also guilty to a charge of malicious damage by obstructin­g the doors of the train by failing to get off.

Prosecutor Sian Vaughan said O’Brien had been travelling on the train from Swansea on May 25 when the incident occurred.

She said: “There was a disagreeme­nt when the guard came to get payment for tickets and O’Brien had an issue of the price being charged.

“She was then blocking the doors and police were called, which caused the train to be delayed.”

Mrs Vaughan added: “She became abusive, telling one of the officers she was ugly and making threats over when she would see her out of uniform.

“The train was delayed by 28 minutes, which saw the train operator fined £1,400.”

The court heard O’Brien, aged 34, had similar conviction­s for public order offences.

Defence solicitor Simon Howell said O’Brien had been to a family court hearing on the day which had distressed her, adding: “She had been in the toilet on the train and missed her stop at Gowerton.

“The train guard had wanted her to pay the remaining fare to Llanelli and then the fare back to Gowerton.

“She dug her heels in and refused to move from the doors and then became abusive to just one of the police officers when they arrived.

“My client acted wholly inappropri­ately and is not in any way proud.”

O’Brien was fined £120 for obstructin­g train doors and ordered to do a 12 month rehabilita­tion order, along with paying court costs of £85 and victim surcharge of £85.

There was no separate penalty for the abusive behaviour.

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