Llanelli Star

A simple prayer for our NHS

David Jones speaks about how we too can pray, and give a gift to others


BOB Dylan’s classic The Times They Are A-Changin’ is on the radio as I write these few thoughts. Nearly a year ago when the first signs of Covid-19 appeared, who would have thought that such disruption and devastatin­g loss of life would follow.

Times they are achangin’, but sadly not in the way we would want.

It’s noticeable that the briefings from the Prime Minister and Welsh Government are becoming more decisive and reaffirm the urgent action that’s needed to ensure that the virus is finally eradicated. With 2.4 million having already been vaccinated in the UK, the vaccine programme gives the hope that most of the population will have had the vaccine by early autumn. In mid-January that may seem a long time ahead, but it’s on the horizon and that surely is good news.

Despite the great sense of anxiety that’s around as the pandemic rages, there emerged from its beginning a sense of care that has made a real difference.

By now there are networks of support which continue to help so many. From keeping an eye on an elderly neighbour or doing some shopping for someone housebound to just lifting the phone for a chat.

These simple acts of kindness have made a difference. In the wider sense, our local foodbanks are doing tremendous work and what joy to see supermarke­ts’ carriers full to the brim of donated foodstuffs, while the three local churches who open their doors weekly to provide a meal and help to the homeless have also not been forgotten.

Like the Good Samaritan, many are not passing by on the other side but are extending the hand of friendship and kindness. Again, good news! We too can pray, as prayer in itself is our gift to others. A simple prayer of thanks for our NHS and all frontline workers that they will be protected and sustained as they battle bravely the pandemic.

That God would bless the countless little acts of kindness that are being shown to the most vulnerable and frail.

That there will bring an end to these times of great anxiety and that we emerge from this wilderness experience more aware than ever before of our responsibi­lities to each other, our environmen­t and what community really means.

‘Why then’, asks the Psalmist, ‘am I so sad? Why am I so upset? I shall put my hope in God and keep praising him, my Saviour, my God (Psalm 42: 5).

Good news – God cares!

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