Llanelli Star

ARIES March 21–April 20


Everything seems to come down to terms and conditions. Whether or not to go slowly or whether you can take a risk or two. You will be invited to a future event or festival. It will be wise to take informatio­n in and make sure you know where you stand. Buy into a future event with care.

TAURUS April 21-May 21

You admire anyone who makes good use of resources and you will be staggered by what a relative manages to create with the minimum of items. Family matters will take up a good percentage of your time now. A short-term training or study course will be offered to you soon.

GEMINI May 22-June 21

You feel a close friend is being too hasty in giving away gifts they received by a partner they’ve only just broken up with. Tension in the workplace has a lot to do with offers that target newcomers to the company. This hardly seems fair to those who have been there for years.

CANCER June 22-July 23

You are wise and sensible enough to listen as keenly as you offer your opinions in important discussion­s. You will be careful too about any kind of speculatio­n. Major new schemes could be expensive. You have suggestion­s on how to save money but not everyone will go along with it.

LEO July 24-Aug 23

Your partner or a close friend is trying to talk you into something and they aren’t going to give up. They’re likely to succeed if only for the sake of peace. Any frustratio­ns during the day will be so trivial that stumbling blocks can be overcome with a little thought and determinat­ion.

VIRGO Aug 24-Sept 23

A place you are talking about visiting will have changed a lot since childhood. You may prefer to leave some things to your memories. A partner or housemate’s spending habits are annoying you. You wonder why you should be careful with your money if they throw theirs away.

LIBRA Sept 24–Oct 23

You can be surprising­ly versatile so do not think that you cannot do more than two things at the same time. You can do it. There will be no limit to the amount of enjoyment you get from being in the company of almost everyone you could ever want to be with.

SCORPIO Oct 24-Nov22

Some people you are getting to know have great plans for the future. You’re hoping they will include you in these when the time arrives. Your efforts to get money matters sorted out at home seem to be going nowhere when a housemate is spending money as if it was water.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23-Dec 21

Someone who has upset you has a lot of work to do to win back your trust. You could easily get irritated when working with people who are careless and untrustwor­thy. There is a lot being expected of you but you aren’t seeing a lot of effort being made by other people.

CAPRICORN Dec 22-Jan 20

At work your concentrat­ion is lacking. This contemplat­ive frame of mind could last a short while. Something you see or hear will trigger an interest in history or in researchin­g your family history. Volunteeri­ng to help on an archaeolog­ical dig would be enormously satisfying.

AQUARIUS Jan 21-Feb 19

If someone does not heed a warning, they cannot blame others for their mistakes. You can’t understand why something you have put a lot of time and effort in to isn’t showing much progress. It could have a lot to do with another person’s rusty skills or inability to fulfil their obligation­s.

PISCES Feb 20-Mar 20

You aren’t in the mood for arguments. That’s why you will avoid someone who makes you angry every time you meet up together. A joint project is slow to make progress and you will admit there is scope for improvemen­t but you don’t want to give this any thought today.

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