Llanelli Star

Cats make the house a warmer place to live

Corrie’s Georgia Taylor tells LUKE RIX-STANDING about the many benefits of having pets in your life


LOSING a beloved pet can be heartbreak­ing – especially now, after many of us have spent a lot of time with them during the lockdowns.

It’s something Georgia Taylor – best known for playing Toyah Battersby on Coronation Street – can relate to. The actress, 41, recently said goodbye to her cat; her second pet bereavemen­t in the space of a few years.

We caught up with Wigan-born Georgia to talk pets, parks and the joy of gardening TV...

How important a role do pets play in your life?

We’re actually without pets at the moment, for the first time in a number of years. We had two cats, Claude and Audrey, who were brother and sister, but we lost Claude three years ago and had to put Audrey to sleep earlier this year.

You really notice it – those moments when they’ll curl up with you on the sofa purring. They just make the house a warmer place.

Have you always had pets?

I wasn’t allowed a dog or cat when I was younger, but I had a rabbit. As soon as I was independen­t, one of my priorities was getting a cat. For most of the last two decades, I’ve had a least one animal.

Have they all had different personalit­ies?

Absolutely. Our cats were raised together but were completely different. I always wondered why one would be terrified by a noise, while the other wouldn’t bat an eyelid. Claude loved being held on his back, if you tried that with Audrey she’d scratch your arm off. Those things make up rounded personalit­ies.

How have you coped with pet bereavemen­t, and what would your advice be to others?

It depends on your situation. I’m with my partner, Mark, and we’ve had a shared grief. We have those little memories of Audrey, and we love looking through photograph­s, even though it’s upsetting. I think it’s nice to look back and remember. For those people who live alone, or are finding things particular­ly difficult, Cats Protection has an amazing ‘Paws to Listen’ service, which you can call or email, and talk to someone who understand­s. Don’t be afraid to reach out and don’t feel silly – you’re not. You’ve invested time, love, money and care in this living thing and you’re bound to feel that loss.

The pandemic has affected so much. How hard is it working on Corrie with the restrictio­ns?

We’re really used to it now. Because we wear masks in rehearsals, we only take them off when we’re going for a take, so you don’t get to see someone’s face until they say ‘action’, which is a bit strange.

I’m not a party animal any more but you miss the social side of it. When it’s a sunny day and someone says, ‘Let’s go for a drink after work’, or me and Jane Danson or Jennie McAlpine can get lunch when we have a break. Those silly little things that make your day that bit nicer.

Some have found work an escape from the pandemic, while others have found it much more difficult - where do you stand?

It’s been a positive for me. When we first locked-down, nobody knew anything, we were all thinking [it would be] three or four weeks and it just snowballed, so it was such a blessing that we were back in June.

Even then, there was that fear we could be shut down again at any moment, like if there was an outbreak at work. Thankfully there wasn’t, and it was a chance to see people and feel a small semblance of normality.

Did you and Mark experience any cabin fever while at home?

We’re very lucky because we’re really close to a park, so we could

exercise every day. I like to run anyway, so I just cranked that up and enjoyed the amazing weather. We don’t have a massive garden, but we did a lot of work on it and turned it into our own little sanctuary.

I exercise for my head as much as anything – it just clears my mind completely. I used to run to music, but now I run to podcasts.

We did a lot of work on our garden and turned it into our own sanctuary Georgia on coping in lockdown

What else do you find is important for your wellbeing?

Reading and cooking. I’m by no means a fantastic chef, but I really enjoy cooking and I love food. Last year, we were trying to limit our trips to the supermarke­t, which made us properly plan our meals. We had so many gorgeous recipe books that we hadn’t used, so we just went though them, saying, ‘Let’s try this’. I really enjoyed it – it made me feel calm and content.

TV soaps have provided much needed comfort - what have you been watching?

We watch a lot on Netflix, but we also love house and gardening programmes.

If you’d said to me 10 years ago I’d be sitting down with a glass of wine to watch Monty Don on a Friday night, I wouldn’t have believed you, but it’s just so soothing – like a sort of meditation.

Paws to Listen is a free bereavemen­t support service for cat owners run by Cats Protection . Call 0800 024 94 94 (9am to 5pm, Mon-Fri) or visit cats.org.uk/grief

 ??  ?? Georgia as Toyah, right, and Jane Danson as Leanne in Coronation Street
Georgia as Toyah, right, and Jane Danson as Leanne in Coronation Street
 ??  ?? Georgia and one of her beloved cats
Georgia and one of her beloved cats
 ??  ?? ANIMAL LOVER: Georgia Taylor
ANIMAL LOVER: Georgia Taylor

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