Llanelli Star

Divine light diffused the darkness of such evil and sin

DAVID JONES on how Herod’s way always leads to untold suffering


IS there anything new to say about Christmas? After all, we are all familiar with the Christmas message of angles and shepherds which we take for granted and without too much thought. Then there’s Mary and Joseph whose obedience and submission to God’s will was complete and without question; add to that the reluctant innkeeper and wise men who travelled far and the story seems complete – or is it?

We often overlook that behind that first Christmas was the evil of King Herod whose jealousy and paranoia led to the murder of all the baby boys born in Bethlehem. His intent was to secure No 1 – his ranting and deviousnes­s gave no second thought to the enormity of the suffering as a whole generation was wiped out at a whim.

The continued and almost forgotten suffering in Yemen reflected in the gaunt faces of children and the desperatio­n of parents who have no one to turn to. Over 100 migrants last weekend, many of them young children with no life jackets in near freezing conditions landing on the shores of Kent. The abhorrent murder of little Arthur Labinjo-Hughes and Star Hobson.

It’s the Christmas story again – the threat of destitutio­n and death at the hands of cruel oppressors – is this then the inevitable legacy for so many in our world as we approach a new year? Surely there is a better way.

The Christmas angels sang of peace and goodwill to all humanity through the Saviour born in Bethlehem. Jesus grew to the maturity of manhood and spoke of loving our neighbour with no boundaries of culture, religion or race.

Herod’s way always leads to devastatio­n, destructio­n and untold suffering while the way of the shepherds and wise men bring us to the manger where divine light diffused the darkness of such evil and sin. Judgement came quickly upon Herod and his end meant that the Holy family were able to return safely home. Is there anything new to say?

Not really, other than that Christmas is a continuing story that gives us the certain hope of the final reign of God – Herod’s days are numbered! ‘O tidings of comfort and joy’. May you and yours know the joy and peace of this Christmas time.

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