Llanelli Star

When things get rough we need our friends

On giving a helping hand to those in need


THIS week’s bank holiday was the last of the year. It’s a sobering thought that with autumn and winter on the horizon, fuel charges rocketing and other cost-of-living increases, its almost as if there’s a storm brewing with not much we seem to be able to do to alleviate its consequenc­es.

Following a summer of political inactivity, all eyes will now be on No10 as next week a new prime minister will set out an agenda to hopefully give help where it is needed most.

None of us will be unaffected by these increases but some will be affected more than others. That’s why we need to look out for those who may need a helping hand this winter.

A knock on the door asking if all is well can make a real difference to an elderly person living alone.

A phone call to a family member or neighbour who we feel may be struggling to make ends meet, or that young single-parent family down the road who may be hoping for someone to care.

Mother Theresa described such acts of kindness and care as ‘something beautiful for God’ and she was right.

Life, of course, is often made up of calm and storm and when things are tough that’s the time we need our friends the most.

A true friend will never fall into the ‘fair weather’ category, but who we know will always be there for us especially when we need them most.

Helen Keller once said “walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light” – and that says it all.

Jesus enjoyed the company of family and friends. His disciples witnessed the amazing transforma­tion his friendship brought to outcasts and those who thought that life had given up on them.

His love and compassion is an example for us all to follow. Indeed, loving our neighbour is at the heart of our faith.

Jesus concluded the story of the Good Samaritan who helped and cared for a man left to die at the side of the road by telling those who listened – go and do the same.

This winter, more than at any other time, we need to do just that!

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