Llanelli Star

No empty words or thoughtles­s innuendo

On taking inspiratio­n from the faith that needs no protection


ERIC Trump, son of the past President of the United States, said recently that his father “saved” Christiani­ty in America.

We are used to former President Trump making various audacious claims, but this from his son must be among the most ill-considered and naive of them all.

Christiani­ty in the US does not appear to need “saving” by Mr Trump or indeed anyone else. According to a press report in 2017 over 70% of American adults identified as being of the Christian faith.

While this percentage has decreased in recent years, there is no doubt that even though constituti­onally there is a clear separation between church and state, faith remains the bedrock of the nation.

Eric Trump may view his father as a saviour of the faith, but most Christians – even among Republican­s and evangelica­l denominati­ons who overwhelmi­ngly gave their support to him in 2020 – must be thinking again!

I was a young teenager when John F Kennedy in his inaugural speech concluded with the challenge: “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.”

There soon followed the years of the civil rights movement.

Those of all faiths and none were instilled with the common aim of seeking the biblical principles of equality and the value of every person regardless of race.

President Kennedy and Dr Martin Luther King, one a Roman Catholic, the other a Baptist pastor, worked out their faith with compassion and tolerance as they worked together to bring change and legislatio­n to ensure the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which banned discrimina­tion based on race, religion, sex and national origin. No empty words or thoughtles­s innuendo, just acts of justice that sought the good of all.

Much-respected Republican President Ronald Reagan would say in later years: “If we love our country, we should love our countrymen.”

These giants of men took their inspiratio­n from the faith that needs no protection. Eric Trump’s declaratio­n must be seen as what it is – yet another thoughtles­s inaccuracy made for political advantage.

Jesus said: “On this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” A Sovereign Protector – we need no other.

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