Loughborough Echo

Soft toy crochet appeal by mum for baby unit


A CASTLE Donington mum, whose twins were born prematurel­y, is asking if locals are able to crochet soothing soft toys for a hospital baby unit.

Niki Walker took to the internet to ask creative residents if they could turn their hand to crochet to help create small octopuses to give to premature babies in the Baby Unit at Derby Royal Hospital.

Niki, whose twins George and Heidi spent a month in the unit after arriving early, told the Echo how the octopuses are more than just teddies.

She said: “The tentacles resemble the umbilical cord and research at other hospitals saw babies react quite positively to them. The babies seemed calmer and very comfortabl­e with them.

“Having a premature baby can be a very anxious and worrying time. They’re often in an incubator and can’t be held.

“If something like this can help them stay calm it means the world as a parent. I would have loved for my twins to have had them.”

Residents in Castle Donington have started to create octopuses, sharing their photos online.

And gift store Gaysey Maisey, situated in the heart of the village, has even volunteere­d to be a drop-off point for the crochet creations.

Niki says there is a pattern on the Friends of the Baby Unit (NICU) Derby Royal Hospital Facebook page which details how to create the soft toys and what materials to use.

The octopuses must be made out of 100 per cent cotton to ensure they are germ-free.

For more informatio­n or to find a drop-off near you, visit the Friends of the Baby Unit (NICU) Derby Royal Hospital Facebook page at www.facebook.com/groups/fobuder by

The page can also be messaged to potentiall­y arrange a collection.

 ??  ?? Pictured is Niki Walker and twins George and Heidi, who were in the Baby Unit at Derby Royal Hospital for a month, and here’s an example of an octopus made by village resident Iris Russell.
Pictured is Niki Walker and twins George and Heidi, who were in the Baby Unit at Derby Royal Hospital for a month, and here’s an example of an octopus made by village resident Iris Russell.
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