Loughborough Echo

West Leake


WOMEN’S INSTITUTE. On Wednesday last week West Leake WI were visited by Liz Dunajewska and her friend Mary Leeson.

Their topic for the evening was Knitting. Liz spoke of the very interestin­g history of knitting, showing examples of yarns and patterns. As you can guess many of the Institute’s members are experience­d knitters but when Mary began to show members the knitting that she had done over the last 10 years since she retired, they were amazed.

The textures, colours and skill of her work was amazing. She brought blankets, ‘which one would never put on a bed as they were works of art’. She belongs to a World Wide club of knitters who knit these blankets.

The design is a secret and the squares are released monthly and gradually build up into the completed work.

This is also done with cushion covers. She opened our eyes to a whole new world of knitting. Mary travels all over the world, learning new techniques and teaching them.

She also tries out new patterns for designers. Members were fascinated and were either inspired to have a go, or were going home to throw their needles on to the fire!

The results of the competitio­n which was a small knitted item were 1st. Beryl Barnett, 2nd. Sue Roulstone and 3rd. Anne Jones. The draw of the £1 in the bucket was won by Anne Jones.

The meeting in April is the Annual Meeting when Linda Davey will be speaking followed by a game of bingo!

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