Loughborough Echo

Kidney donor bid for Lucy

- By Megan Cox megan.cox@trinitymir­ror.com

TWO runners are to take on two gruelling challenges in a bid to find a suitable donor for a six-year-old Shepshed girl.

Lucy Syrett-Barsby, of Church Street, was diagnosed with stage 5 chronic kidney disease last year and is in need of a transplant.

In a bid to find a suitable organ for the St Botolph’s CE Primary School pupil, family friend Mark Purvey and Craig Sharp are to run The Ashby 20 Mile Road Race and The Greater Manchester Marathon.

The pair will don vests designed by Lucy to raise awareness of live donors and encourage people to get tested to see if they can become one.

Rothley father-of-four Craig told the Echo: “No amount of money in the world can fix this but seeing if people are the right blood match might.”

Lucy’s mum Helen Smith said: “Friends and family have just been amazing and what Craig and Mark is doing is fantastic.

“Mark did a run last year in memory of our son, who was stillborn. I never thought for a second he’d be running for my daughter a year later.”

Until a donor is found, Lucy must endure 10 hours of dialysis every night. Her kidneys are around 5cm in size as they have not grown since birth and function at less than 10 per cent.

Both mum Helen and dad Paul Syrett-Barsby have been tested to see if they are blood matches and Paul is.

However, Lucy will need a second kidney transplant in her twenties and as an adult she is not a ‘priority’ on the donor list like she is now.

Her parents hope a live donor will come forward so Paul can provide a kidney in her adult years.

Helen explained that live donor organs can last 20-25 years where as organs from someone who has died last 15-20.

She said: “Even if people can’t help Lucy they should still see if they can be a donor because there’s so many children out there in a similar position.”

As well as raising awareness, a family fun day is to take place on Saturday, May 20, from 10am-4pm at The Beacon Inn, Loughborou­gh, to raise funds for the renal unit at Nottingham’s Queen’s Medical Centre, where Lucy was cared for.

And a justgiving page has been started to fund converting Helen’s attic into a bedroom as Lucy and nine-year-old brother Luke share a room.

Helen said: “I don’t like asking for money, but my hours have changed because I need to be there to attend Lucy’s medical care needs so I’ve taken a pay cut. It’d be nice to give them spaces of their own.”

Helen told the Echo: “Life is good at the moment, if you look at Lucy you wouldn’t be able to tell there was anything wrong and she’s been so mature it’s unreal.

“It’s not something that will go away, it’s her life and I’m okay 90 per cent of the time but sometimes it hits me like a tonne of bricks. “We’re just trying to stay positive.” Informatio­n on becoming a live donor can be found at www.nhs.uk and Helen’s Justgiving page can be found by entering ‘Helensmith­27’.

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 ??  ?? Pictured from left to right is Craig Sharp, Lucy, and family friend Mark Purvey.
Pictured from left to right is Craig Sharp, Lucy, and family friend Mark Purvey.
 ??  ?? Lucy, who is on a special renal diet and has to endure 10 hours of dialysis every night until a transplant is found.
Lucy, who is on a special renal diet and has to endure 10 hours of dialysis every night until a transplant is found.

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