Loughborough Echo

Swimming pool is set for special open day


HIND Leys Swimming Pool is hosting an Open Day this month following recent renovation­s at the Shepshed facility.

On Sunday, May 28 between 10am and 3pm, members of the public will be able to enjoy a free swim session.

There will also be the chance to view the new and improved facilities, as well as hot and cold drinks, cakes, biscuits and a Tombola stall.

The Open Day is taking place on the same date as Shepshed Rugby Club’s annual Family Fun Day, which is being held at the Youth Centre opposite the pool from 1pm to 4pm.

A spokespers­on for the Hind Leys Swimming Pool Committee said: “The pool has been considerab­ly improved recently, through co-operation between the Pool Committee, Shepshed Rotary Club, Shepshed Lions, Rotary Club of Shepshed Charnwood, Hind Leys College, Shepshed Swimming Club, Shepshed Dolphins (a disabled swimming club), Shepshed Lifeguards and Shepshed Town Council.

“The whole building has been refreshed to bring it up to date, and everyone comments on how nice it looks.

“Hind Leys Pool has public swimming sessions, and clubs and lessons are available, so it offers something for everyone from toddlers to OAPs. “Look at the website or Facebook page for details!” The usual public pool sessions are: Sundays 10amnoon; Tuesdays 6pm–6.45pm adult beginners, 6.45pm– 7.30pm lane swim, 7.30pm–8.15pm Aquafit; Wednesdays 6pm-8pm public swim and 8pm-9pm lane swim, Thursdays early bird 7am-8am. “Come and make a splash!” The Swimming Pool Committee is looking for more members who will work with the group on maintainin­g and improving it for the benefit of the community.

If you are interested, please contact Max from Shepshed Rotary, by calling 07913 899079 or you can email cmboden@gmail.com

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