Loughborough Echo

McCanns at church service


THE parents of Madeleine McCann attended a 10th anniversar­y service for their daughter in Rothley to mark a decade since she disappeare­d.

Kate and Gerry McCann attended the event at Rothley Parish Church on Wednesday, May 3, while a similar service was held in Praia da Luz in Portugal.

Before the Rothley service, which was held to remember missing children, including Madeleine, messages tied with yellow ribbon were placed - signifying hope.

Inside, photos of Madeleine and other loved ones who have disappeare­d were displayed with messages attached to ribbons.

The service, led by the Rev Rob Gladstone, began with Cat Stevens’ rendition of Morning Has Broken and included tea lights being lit for missing children.

Speaking after the service, which was attended by about 200 people in the village, Janet Kennedy, Madeleine’s great aunt, said: “The idea was ‘yes, it’s 10 years, but we’re not going to be ground down by this’ because the essential message is we still have hope.”

A special assembly was held at Rothley School to pray for Madeleine and other missing children, with new ribbons tied to the Tree of Hope which was planted in 2007.

The service in Praia da Luz, attended by about 40 people including those who helped search for the little girl in 2007, took place at 9pm.

Flowers, balloons, a heart made of rocks and a teddy were placed outside the church and at sunset 10 balloons were released on the beach nearby.

Madeleine was three when she vanished from apartment 5A of the Ocean Club resort in Praia da Luz at about 9pm on May 3, 2007. Her parents have vowed to do “whatever it takes for as long as it takes” to find her.

 ??  ?? Gerry and Kate McCann arriving at Rothley Parish Church, where a service for their daughter Madeleine and other missing children took place. (Alex Britton/PA Wire)
Gerry and Kate McCann arriving at Rothley Parish Church, where a service for their daughter Madeleine and other missing children took place. (Alex Britton/PA Wire)

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