Loughborough Echo

Sutton Bonington Mike Elliott 0115 937 6506 elliottnew­s@btconnect.com


WHIST. It was a successful night for the Kyle’s at the Whist Drive held on the May Bank Holiday as between them Joan and Bill went home with four prizes, twenty two players attending.

Whist winners were; Brenda Stainsby 181, Joan Ball 173, Keith Hopewell 172, Trevor Popay 169, Bill Kyle 165 and Pete Goadby 165.

Highest Half winners were Maureen Johnson and Henry Everett and the Consolatio­n Prize, a bar of chocolate, was won by Mike Grout.

Raffle Prizes were won by Maureen Johnson, Christine Cadwallade­r and Bill Kyle.

The “Thirteen Kitty” lasted five hands during the evening before it was won by Joan Kyle and Alan Richardson. They shared the accumulate­d £9-00.

Our next Whist Drive will be held on Monday 15th May starting at 7.30 pm as usual.

NEW LOOK SBFest. Several hundred people are expected to be at the Sutton Bonington campus of Nottingham University on Saturday’s this weekend (May 13) popular for the new look SBFest.

Expectatio­ns are that the now annual event will grow even more in popularity and will attract even more visitors than last year, when several hundred were there.

The eight hours of entertainm­ent will be on offer nonstop from 3.00pm and with organisers promising the 2017 event is bigger than ever and will be offering a day of music, food, science, art, beer, and much, much more!

The event showcases the talent and societies of the University of Nottingham’s Sutton Bonington Campus, with various ensembles performing throughout the day, bringing you classical, folk, acoustic, indie, and rock music.

The student organisers say their aim is to bring even more entertainm­ent for the 2017 event and in addition to their climbing wall, outdoor inflatable­s, village fete games, sports challenges, art competitio­n, craft stalls, and face painting, they have extended their Science Hub to include more exciting activities.

The hugely popular SB Symphony Orchestra and SB Singers will be staging a concert from 7pm to 9pm on Saturday evening and this will be followed by the new late night event under the stars, a Ceilidh with Jigabit from 9pm until late and involving fantastic Jez Hellard to play folk and blues music into the night along with the Djukella Orchestra.

“There really is fun for all the family with local produce available from SB Farmers Market stalls and a little tipple to wash it all down from Wicked Hathern Brewery,” say the students.

Wristbands are £5 (under 12s free) available on the door. All profits and collection­s throughout the day will be donated to LOROS.

CLOSE RELATIONSH­IP WITH OTHER CHURCHES. Sutton Bonington St Michael’s and St Anne’s churches continue to maintain close relationsh­ips with the other churches in the village, members attending the annual parochial meeting were told.

The contact in the past 12 month with the other religious organisati­ons in the village involves the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at the Baptist Church which took place in January, the Palm Sunday Parade from the Primary School to St Michael’s, the Christian Aid Service in May at the Methodist Church and the Village Show service at the Showground in September.

The Methodist congregati­on joined the parish for services in February, August and December and then the parish churches congregati­on visited the Methodist Church in January, March, July and October. The Churches Together group led a Bible Study through Lent at the Baptist Church and they also joined for the Women’s World Day of Prayer and the Big Christmas Sing at the Anchor public house in the village.

St Michael’s hosted a united service for the Queen’s 90th Birthday followed by a Bring and Share lunch on Big Lunch Day. The Churches Together booked Michael Burt, puppeteer and illusionis­t to speak at the Village Show service.

The Christmas and Easter Journeys were once again held at the Methodist Church for the local primary schools and were, once again very well attended.

COUNTY COUNCIL RESULTS. Sutton Bonington’s popular representa­tive at Notts County Council Andy Brown topped the poll in the voting in the new East Leake and Ruddington ward on Thursday.

There were fifteen hours of polling available to the local electors and while there were small ‘bursts’ of people turning up to cast a vote, the overall turnout of residents was not high. The election for the newly formed seat called for two candidates to be elected from a total of eight to represent them on Notts County Council for the next four years.

As was usual, political parties put candidates forward candidates and among the eight on the voting list there were representa­tives from the three main parties and from the Green Party.

Counting took place at the new Rushcliffe Arena at West Bridgford on Friday and the two Tory candidates, as expected, were successful in gaining a seat. Andy Brown picked up 3,433 votes, some 84 votes more than second placed Reg Adair. The full voting figures were: Reg Adair (Bradmore), Conservati­ve, 3349, Jason Richard Billin (East Leake), Liberal Democrat 1030, Debbie Boote (Keyworth) Liberal Democrat 676, Andy Brown (East Leake) Conservati­ve 3433, Yvonne Barbara Lishman (Ruddington) Labour 1202, Stephen Richard Perriman (East Leake) The Green Party 544, Jill Maureen Reedman (Ruddington) Labour 1206 and Ian Paul Wilson (Ruddington) The Green Party 447.

CHRISTIAN AID WEEK. The 2017 Christian Aid Week activities for Sutton Bonington and Normanton begin on Saturday this weekend, May 13 with a coffee morning from 10am to 12noon in the Methodist Church. The organisers would welcome donations of cakes an d anyone ab loe to help can ring Pam Waters on 01509 672633.

On Sunday from 8.30am to 10.00am there will be a ‘Bite back at Hunger’ breakfast cafe at Sutton Bonington Baptist Church. “Start your day with freshly brewed coffee, croissants and bacon rolls!” is the message from the organisers. Also on Sunday morning, at 10-30am, there will be a United Churches Service at the Methodist church in Sutton Bonington w8ith the message for this event being: “Come and find out more about the work of Christian Aid at this family friendly service.”

The events on Sunday continue with a Dog Aid event at 2.30pm, when all dogs are invited to take their owners on a sponsored walk. The opening meeting place is at the village playing fields car park at half past two, with the route then returning to Main Street, down Pasture Lane to the river, along the river, then right up Soar Lane and follow Main Street back to the car park. Sponsor forms are available from Sandra.

On the following Saturday May 20 the hugely popular and successful Galloping Gourmet evening is programmed to take place, when three delicious food courses at three different homes will be served to those taking part.

Tickets are on sale at Sutton Bonington Post Office and Pasture Lane Stores -- £55 for two people. Call Liz Budgen on 07799 435032 or Sarah Tremeer on 07793 816900 or email gallopingg­ourmet2017@gmail.com.

MEMORIAL TREE REQUEST. Sutton Bonington parish council have supported a request received from Mrs Cynthia Miles for permission to plant a tree in memory of her deceased husband.

The council agreed to offer two sites, on Park Lane or at the side of the sports pavilion.

 ??  ?? Some of the people who took part in a 15 mile sponsored walk in which has so far raised £5,781.60 - see Sileby report for further details.
Some of the people who took part in a 15 mile sponsored walk in which has so far raised £5,781.60 - see Sileby report for further details.

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