Loughborough Echo

Vikings hail ‘Inner Warrior’ session a huge success


SILEBY Vikings Ladies RFC are hoping a recent rugby camp will boost their numbers in the women’s game as part of a nationwide campaign.

The team held the Inner Warriors session at their ground on Platts Lane on May 13 with it described by women’s captain Amie Smith as being hugely successful.

Developed by England Rugby, Meet Your Inner Warrior is aimed at women aged 18-35, encouragin­g greater female participat­ion in contact rugby across the country.

From May 12-21, more than 150 Warrior Camps took place at rugby clubs across England with the hope of attracting over 1,000 players to the sport – with sports kit and trainers the only equipment needed.

Vikings are still finding their feet after forming two years ago, and currently have 18 players on their books.

According to Smith, the team’s main aim is to attract more players and register to play competitiv­ely the season after next.

“The Inner Warriors session went really well,” said Smith, who plays as hooker for the Vikings. “We had five new ladies turn in on the day, and there were some people who couldn’t make it, so we’ve got another five coming to the next training session.

“It was non-contact, basic handling skills, touch rugby and rugby games, everyone got to know each other and we had a laugh. It was really positive, everyone really enjoyed it.”

With women’s rugby hot on the agenda as the countdown begins to the Women’s Rugby World Cup later this summer, Smith is banking on increased interest on the women’s game to help boost Sileby numbers.

“We lost quite a lot of our girls recently to teams who were in a league,” said Smith. “We’re recruiting a lot more new girls, so basically starting from scratch.

“We’re hoping to be in a league not this season but next season, but we’ve been playing developmen­t games.

“It’s getting people over the fear of playing contact rugby. Because some people are scared of contact, it’s better to ease them into the contact side of things than just throwing them straight in at the deep end.

The club has charity events in the pipeline in a bid to boost numbers, and are stepping back to basics in a bid for more women to head along and step out of their comfort zones.

“Pre-season is coming up, we’ve got a charity truck pull with Sileby Vikings RFC,” added Smith. “The men’s and women’s team, so we’re hoping for recruitmen­t from that.

“There is a few newbies sessions too, going back to basics, to hopefully try and drum up more recruitmen­t.

“And we’re hoping to play two games a month next season in order to be able to get more ladies into rugby and get us into the league.”

 ??  ?? Players who took part in Sileby Vikings’ Inner Warrior camp.
Players who took part in Sileby Vikings’ Inner Warrior camp.

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