Loughborough Echo

Compelled to write


IN THE early hours following the General Election result I felt compelled to put my thoughts on record.

The more mature will question what they have done,

To the country’s head they held a gun.

The bait was swallowed hook line and sinker,

By those with heart and not a thinker.

At a time negotiatio­ns important for all,

Now thrown by them against the wall.

May one day they see what they have done,

To the countries head they put a gun.

They voted for promises of a land of honey,

Requiring huge mountains of tax payer’s money.

Oh, they think big business will see us all right,

Not appreciati­ng that very many will take flight.

Expect those with the gun to blame brexit for that,

Anything or anyone else they will not wear the hat.

But it is they who deadly deed they have done,

By at the countries head they pointed the gun.

It takes many years to learn the politics of life,

Deciding party policies more likely ending in strife.

They made a choice and decided to fire the gun,

The question is, At what huge cost to everyone?

Brexit is happening and the result of the government’s negotiatio­n will impact on everyone in the United Kingdom, not just for one parliament­ary term but for many scores of years, so for me there was only one subject upon which my vote had to be based.

With that in mind I put the National interest ahead of any party politics and placed my cross in the Conservati­ve box.

Brian Axten

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