Loughborough Echo

Street mugger is chased by passer-by

78-year-old victim lay injured on ground


A STREET mugger made off with a 78-year-old woman’s handbag as she lay injured on the ground.

The robber, Stacey Louise Weir, was pursued by a brave woman passer-by, who followed her through several Loughborou­gh streets, down an alleyway and into a garden, to retrieve the victim’s bag.

The 31-year-old told former policewoma­n, Denise Reidy, who bravely attempted a citizen’s arrest: “You don’t wanna mess with me, you don’t know what I could do.”

Weir then fled but was later identified from street camera footage and was picked out by Ms Reidy, in a police identifica­tion procedure.

Leicester Crown Court was told that Ms Reidy put her actions down to “instinct” having previously worked as an officer.

Judge Robert Brown commended Ms Reidy and awarded her £250 from public funds in recognitio­n of her “public-spirited actions.”

He said: “She saw the crime and reacted by pursuing the defendant and it was a chase of some distance ... into a back garden where she cornered her.

“She was threatened with violence by this defendant who broke away.”

The pensioner was left “shocked and dazed.”

She suffered painful bruising to her leg and back with a bump on her head, which struck the pavement when she fell.

Her handbag was returned intact but she now fears being alone in public.

?Alex Wolfson, prosecutin­g, said: “The victim says she felt sad and emotional afterwards.

“She didn’t hear the defendant coming up behind her because she’s hard of hearing.”

Weir, a drug user, who has more than 30 offences on her criminal record, pleaded guilty to the robbery, which happened on Monday June 18.

She also admitted the offence put her in breach of an eight week suspended jail sentence for shopliftin­g.

What sentence did Weir receive? Weir, of Waterside Close, Loughborou­gh , was jailed for a total of 15 months.

Sentencing, the judge said: “This robbery was an attack by you upon someone you’d have known was vulnerable because you’d have seen how old she was.

“You snatched her bag with sufficient force she went to the ground and banged her head.

“She didn’t need detaining in hospital but was thoroughly shaken up and it’s affected her confidence and ability to go out into Loughborou­gh town centre on her own.

“I accept you have had a particular­ly difficult childhood and upbringing; it doesn’t excuse your crime but it puts a context on your situation.

“You had a drug dependency and no doubt a craving for drugs which was why you committed this offence.”

Mr Wolfson told the court the victim was walking along Toothill Road in Loughborou­gh at 9am carrying her handbag on her left shoulder.

The defendant approached from behind, grabbed her bag and kept pulling until the pensioner fell over and released her grip.

He said: “Fortunatel­y a member of the public, Ms Reidy, came to her assistance and gave chase, pursuing the defendant along Cambridge Street, Charles Street and Lower Cambridge Street, down an alley and into a garden.

“She retrieved the bag and all the contents.”

Errol Ballentyne, mitigating, said Weir had been involved in drug misuse but was now “rethinking her future.”

He said: “She was homeless, living a nomadic existence from one sofa to another at the time.

“She has written a letter to the court and is clearly very sorry and ashamed.”

Mr Ballentyne said when Weir handed over the bag to Ms Reidy, who confronted her, she said “Tell the old lady I’m sorry,” before running off.

Weir stood in the dock and apologised saying: “I’m truly sorry for what I’ve done.”

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