Loughborough Echo

Teaching dogs to cope with fireworks...


AS CHILDREN everywhere prepare to go back to school, Dogs Trust Dog School East Midlands is urging owners to give their dogs lessons in how to cope with a fear of fireworks.

Dogs Trust says it can take months to train your dog to cope with fireworks, so Dogs Trust Dogs School East Midlands is offering a ‘Firework Fear’ seminar for owners on Saturday, September 22, at Dogs Trust Loughborou­gh and they have a host of tips available on their website to help owners prepare their dogs well in advance for fireworks.

Jenny Mee, Head Coach at Dogs Trust Dog School East Midlands, said: “Fireworks can be incredibly distressin­g for dogs, with the combinatio­n of bright lights and loud, unexpected bangs causing negative and often lasting effects on our four-legged friends.

“Dogs have approximat­ely four times more sensitive hearing than humans, and they can hear much higher frequency sounds than we can, so a firework bang for a dog can seem terrifying­ly loud.”

A fear of fireworks can often mean that worried owners will try everything to ensure their beloved pooch is comforted and calm during fireworks, but owners could be better prepared come November 5 if they use some simple training techniques.

Jenny added: “To avoid the unspeakabl­e distress and anguish many dogs will go through during fireworks displays, it’s so important that owners plan to help them and their dogs feel prepared and comfortabl­e when November 5 comes around. Now is the ideal time to do this as people often have a bit more time on their hands, and it’s far enough in advance of fireworks night for consistent training to have a big impact on dogs when it really matters.”

To book a place at the Firework Fear seminar at Dogs Trust Loughborou­gh at Hill Farm, Wide Lane, LE12 6SE on Saturday, September 22, at 1.30pm you can e-mail EMidsDogSc­hool@dogstrust.org.uk or call 01509 882316. Places must be booked in advance. The seminar is for owners without their dogs. You can also visit www.dogstrustd­ogschool.org.uk

 ??  ?? Creating a cosy place where your dog can relax will help him cope with the unexpected bangs and flashes
Creating a cosy place where your dog can relax will help him cope with the unexpected bangs and flashes

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