Loughborough Echo

Stepdad filmed girl in the bath

Victim deeply traumatise­d


A TRUSTED stepfather-figure, who filmed his girlfriend’s 16-year-old daughter while she was in the bath, was caught when the victim discovered his hidden mobile phone.

The camera phone was concealed in a basket on a shelf in the bathroom, Leicester Crown Court was told.

The victim discovered the hidden camera phone when investigat­ing why the music she was playing at bath time was giving a feedback sound.

A police investigat­ion revealed the defendant, in his early 50s, had also taken indecent footage of her bathing and showering, through a ground floor window of the washroom at the family home, in Loughborou­gh.

The victim, who was deeply traumatise­d after discoverin­g his sly actions, twice left the courtroom in tears during the sentencing hearing.

Her mother told Leicesters­hire Live afterwards his actions were the “ultimate betrayal of trust.”

She said her daughter was devastated by his actions and he had let the whole family down.

In a victim impact statement, the girl said: “At the time I felt very scared, very alone.

“I was frightened to tell anyone else, at first, in case I got into trouble.”

She now feels fearful when taking a bath or shower “in case he comes back”.

The man, now living elsewhere in Loughborou­gh, pleaded guilty to voyeurism, by observing/recording someone doing private acts (bathing and showering) and possessing an indecent image of the child.

He is not being named to protect the victim’s identity.

Christophe­r Jeyes, prosecutin­g, said that the girl’s mother, who had been in a relationsh­ip with the defendant for several years, was out at the time of the incident.

The girl told the defendant she was going for a bath, at about 8pm, in November 2017, and he asked to quickly visit the bathroom before her.

Mr Jeyes said: “When he came out she went in and had a bath whilst listening to music.

“She was startled when the music suddenly echoed back loudly.

“She looked around and found the defendant’s mobile phone in a basket on a shelf recording her in the bathroom.

“She was upset and unsure about what to do, but got dressed and phoned a friend in distress.

“She then used her own phone to take a video of the defendant’s phone in situ.

“She recalled previously, when in the shower or bath, seeing a flash from outside - those flashes may have been other attempts to take pictures of her (through the window from outside the ground floor bathroom).”

On returning to find her daughter was distressed, the mother confronted the defendant - who had been drinking - and after a tussle she took possession of the phone for long enough to establish the bathroom recording was nine minutes long.

Mr Jeyes said: “She told him to leave and called the police.

“He was arrested in his parked car outside.”

Three short video clips of the girl naked in the bath and shower, and a still image of her, were recovered, although there was evidence of earlier material having been deleted on two occasions.

Mr Jeyes said the man’s internet history suggested an interest in pornograph­y, escort services and teenage girls - although no other criminal content was found.

The man gave a “no comment” interview.

Judge Robert Brown said: “She was observed and recorded in her own home which is an abuse of trust.”

Sentencing, he told the defendant: “Your behaviour was utterly disgracefu­l towards this young girl.

“I’m told by your counsel you’re completely and utterly ashamed - I hope you are, you should be.

“You’ve also abused the trust of your (then) partner by covertly filming her daughter in the bathroom.

“The victim has been distressed and understand­ably very upset.

“You showed a perverted interest in this girl and you need treatment.

“I accept your remorse is genuine; I can see by your behaviour in front of me that you’re visibly distressed by your appearance in this court.

“I’ve decided it’s in the best interest of society as a whole if I put you on a course of treatment, rather than send you into custody for a relatively short period.

“You have a good work record and I’m told by the probation service that you have a low risk of re-offending. “You’re shameful, pathetic and sad.” The man was given a five-month jail sentence, suspended for two years, with a 30-day rehabilita­tion activity requiremen­t.

He was ordered to enlist on a sex offender register for 10 years: “So the police know where you are living,” said the judge.

The defendant was placed on an indefinite restrainin­g order banning any future contact with the victim.

The judge told the victim in the public gallery she had showed “great courage” by attending court.

He said: “You’ve done nothing wrong, you’ve been tricked and taken advantage of by this man and I hope these proceeding­s can help you to turn the page and move on.”

Catherine Rose, mitigating, said: “He knows the offences he committed were both serious and harmful.

“He’s expressed deep shame to me and understand­s the gravity of the fact he abused his position of trust. He wants to undertake rehabilita­tive work.

“He’s struggling to understand what happened and never wants to put anyone through anything like that again. He’s been on bail for more than a year without offending further.”

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